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Summary for Google with ChatGPT is a browser extension that show a recap from ChatGPT next to Google and a recap from ChatGPT
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L-Space Diaries | swyx | Substack
L-Space Diaries | swyx | Substack
Tens of thousands of subscribers. The AI Engineer newsletter + Top 10 US Tech podcast. Exploring AI UX, Agents, Devtools, Infra, Open Source Models. See for highlights from Chris Lattner, Andrej Karpathy, George Hotz, Simon Willison, Emad Mostaque, et al! Click to read Latent Space, a Substack publication.
L-Space Diaries | swyx | Substack
The Illustrated Stable Diffusion Jay Alammar Visualizing machine learning one concept at a time.
The Illustrated Stable Diffusion Jay Alammar Visualizing machine learning one concept at a time.
Translations: Chinese, Vietnamese. (V2 Nov 2022: Updated images for more precise description of forward diffusion. A few more images in this version) AI image generation is the most recent AI capability blowing peoples minds (mine included). The ability to create striking visuals from text descriptions has a magical quality to it and points clearly to a shift in how humans create art. The release of Stable Diffusion is a clear milestone in this development because it made a high-performance model available to the masses (performance in terms of image quality, as well as speed and relatively low resource/memory requirements). After experimenting with AI image generation, you may start to wonder how it works. This is a gentle introduction to how Stable Diffusion works. Stable Diffusion is versatile in that it can be used in a number of different ways. Lets focus at first on image generation from text only (text2img). The image above shows an example text input and the resulting generated image (The actual complete prompt is here). Aside from text to image, another main way of using it is by making it alter images (so inputs are text + image).
The Illustrated Stable Diffusion Jay Alammar Visualizing machine learning one concept at a time.
The AI search engine delivering the right answers Effortless integration. For any data, including video, wherever it is. Get started, free! Help users find the information they need Nuclia automatically indexes unstructured data from any source, providing optimized search results. It can handle video and audio transcription, image content extraction, and document parsing. Allow your