Gallery YepCode Recipes Code snippets for solving common problems
Discover our recipes useful JavaScript and Python code snippets for solving popular coding problems Connect your services and APIs in the most agile way
Pixela Record and Track your habits or effort All by API
Pixela Record and Track your habits or effort All by API Pixela is the API service With this service you can get a GitHub like graph that expresses the degree of your daily various activities on a basis with a vivid gradation All operations are performed by API And its free
Free OCR API V2023 Online OCR Searchable PDF Creator OnPremise OCR Software
Free OCR API Online OCR and Searchable PDF Sandwich PDF Service Try instantly no registration required Available as OnPremise OCR Software too The Cloud OCR API is a RESTbased Web API to extract text from images and convert scans to searchable PDF Free OCR software as a hosted service and as download
API Mock fake API mock server simulate or stub API dummy API and web services API for tests test doubles fake random data response templating create webhook capture server callbacks RegExp URL
Dynamic PDF Generation via API and Excel Addin Advicement
Dynamic PDF generation made easy with JSON to PDF API and Excel AddIn Write your templates in LaTeX and effortlessly create PDFs with dynamic data tables and charts
EnterpriseGrade Bank and Public Holidays API Calendarific
Calendarific is a global event intelligence platform and a developerfriendly worldwide holiday API covering public bank local religious holidays and observances for over 230 countries
CurrencyBeacon RealTime and Historical Currency Rates API CurrencyBeacon
CurrencyBeacon is an enterprisegrade and developerfriendly currency rates REST API with realtime and historical exchange rates for 168 world currencies and 1600 cryptocurrencies
Backed by the continuously growing and improving DBIP database our online API makes it easy to use realtime IP geolocation without the trouble of hosting and maintaining gigabytes of data Learn more about our API here and implement it in your website today