GitHub Chirag047SongLyricsFinder You can find the lyrics of your fav song using Songs Lyrics FinderYou can find the lyrics of your fav song using Songs Lyrics Finder Chirag047SongLyricsFinderMusic and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024GitHub Chirag047SongLyricsFinder You can find the lyrics of your fav song using Songs Lyrics Finder
OpenlyricsclientA lyrics synchronization tool for everyoneMusic and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Openlyricsclient
LyricyA command line lyrics utility tool which search and add lyrics to your offline songs.Music and Audio#cli#downloader#lyrics-fetcher#lyrics-search#mp3#music#pypi#python#spotify#song#lyric-finder#lyrics··Feb 13, 2024Lyricy
Lyrixylyrixy( lyrics + audio of the song ) = lyric music videoMusic and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyrixy
GitHub jtCodeslyrictor Highperformance lyric video editor accessible on any browserHighperformance lyric video editor accessible on any browser jtCodeslyrictorMusic and Audio#ai#editor#howlerjs#konvajs#music#react#react-spectrum#song#typescript#waveform#waveform-data#webapp#lyric-video#stablediffusion#lyrics··Feb 13, 2024GitHub jtCodeslyrictor Highperformance lyric video editor accessible on any browser
LyricserAdding lyrics to songs using Genius API, editing lyrics, reading lyrics and more.Music and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyricser
LyricsyncAn lrc file generator/creator online, Simply visit the website or open index.html locally in order to sync your lyrics with your musicMusic and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyricsync
Lyrics2mp3Parse lyrics and add them into mp3 files (via id tags). Lyrics can then be viewed on iPhone, iTunes and other players.Music and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyrics2mp3
Lyric App Weblyric app for webMusic and Audio#deployment#eslint#express#heroku#javascript#music#nodejs#reactjs#server#song#lyrics··Feb 13, 2024Lyric App Web
LyricizemeAn application that provides random song lyrics and annotations for a chosen artist, powered by the Genius API.Music and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyricizeme
Lyricala tool for scraping song lyricsMusic and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyrical
Auto LyricsAuto-Lyrics AI-driven lyric alignment & correction using Faster-Whisper, Genius, and GPT-4 for an unparalleled singing experience.Music and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Auto Lyrics
AutolyricizeAutomatically find and embed song lyrics.Music and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Autolyricize
GitHub azusaladaddlyrics Searches various websites and tags lyrics to local mp3 filesSearches various websites and tags lyrics to local mp3 files azusaladaddlyricsMusic and Audio#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024GitHub azusaladaddlyrics Searches various websites and tags lyrics to local mp3 files