One Track Orchestra - FREE Orchestral VSTi
One Track Orchestra - FREE Orchestral VSTi
Download a free VST instrument that puts a complete orchestra on a single track of your DAW. You can add strings, brass, woodwinds and even percussion at the same time, using only one MIDI channel.
One Track Orchestra - FREE Orchestral VSTi
Orchestral Strings One by Sound Magic
Orchestral Strings One by Sound Magic
Orchestral Strings One was recorded utilizing the legendary acoustics in the famous Berliner Hall - home of the world class BERLINER PHILHAR...
Orchestral Strings One by Sound Magic
Percussive Organ
Percussive Organ
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Percussive Organ
Piano by mda
Piano by mda
Piano by mda is a free virtual piano plug-in. Features: Up to 32 note polyphonic. Decay, Release and Stereo Width controls. Stretch and ran...
Piano by mda
Featured in the 2019 honours list: Andrew Ward: 1911 Bechstein Upright (most download piano in 2019) Angus Roberts-Carey: Sonva Piano, Sonva Upright, Infinite Guitar (plus Kontakt versions of 9000ft Piano and Tracked Piano) Christopher Scullion: Tatak Toy Piano, Tatak Felt Piano (MVP and Full), Tatak Muted Felt Piano Conner Sawchuk: Decrepit Toy []
Pick Bass
Pick Bass
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Pick Bass
pjcohen standup bass
pjcohen standup bass
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
pjcohen standup bass
Plogue | Alter/Ego :: real-time singing synthesizer
Plogue | Alter/Ego :: real-time singing synthesizer
A free real-time singing software (VST/AU/AAX plugin) synthesizer based on the technology featured in chipspeech but focusing on more modern techniques. Windows and macOS.
Plogue | Alter/Ego :: real-time singing synthesizer
Precisionsound | Amore Grand Piano
Precisionsound | Amore Grand Piano
The free Amore Grand Piano for NI Kontakt is Yamaha grand piano, close-miked in stereo, and kept small, under 200 MB.
Precisionsound | Amore Grand Piano
Project 16 Sherwood
Project 16 Sherwood
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Project 16 Sherwood
Real Cello Mayhem: Free Cello Kontakt Library
Real Cello Mayhem: Free Cello Kontakt Library
Download this free cello Kontakt library by Regulus Sound Productions. Real Cello Mayhem is an inspirational, yet free Kontakt library for music producers. Create atmospheric, beautiful, and energe
Real Cello Mayhem: Free Cello Kontakt Library
Recut Pianos
Recut Pianos
After a few complains about latency and other issues, I have reworked a couple pianos. First up is the Skerratt London piano by Kung Krille....
Recut Pianos
Reverxis | PulseSetter-Sounds
Reverxis | PulseSetter-Sounds
Reverxis is a collection of reversed guitar based sound design loops for film composers that where made by playing guitar lines, reversing then and applying differnt sound design techniques.These guitar loops are later mapped in kontakt so they can be played like a whole new instrument which sound like pulsating rhythmns.In addition to the loops, there are cinematic pads and reversed pluck that complement the loops instruments.These style of sounds are great for dramatic scores for film, video games and tv to add a mordern spice to rhythmic pulses.Enjoy and sign up for our newsletter for more news and freebies.
Reverxis | PulseSetter-Sounds
Ronroco Virtual Instrument | Free Kontakt Download
Ronroco Virtual Instrument | Free Kontakt Download
Download this free Ronroco virtual instrument. This sampler instrument for Kontakt 5 includes one shots and loops from the traditional stringed instrument.
Ronroco Virtual Instrument | Free Kontakt Download
Rosinspiel - free kontakt sample library
Rosinspiel - free kontakt sample library
The Rosinspiel is a glockenspiel that has been played with a bow instead of a mallet creating a unique soft and glass like sound. This one is free!
Rosinspiel - free kontakt sample library