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Audio Conductor is a tool that enhances the usability of audio features (AudioClip/AudioSource) in Unity, providing greater convenience in managing and controlling audio assets.
Chordify Annotator Subjectivity Dataset - A chord-Label harmony dataset with multiple reference annotations per song
GitHub MoonWalker440MusicMegathread A Comprehensive List For All Music Lovers Its a treasure trove of music resources to enhance your listening experience and discover new music
GitHub MoonWalker440MusicMegathread A Comprehensive List For All Music Lovers Its a treasure trove of music resources to enhance your listening experience and discover new music
A Comprehensive List For All Music Lovers Its a treasure trove of music resources to enhance your listening experience and discover new music MoonWalker440MusicMegathread
GitHub MoonWalker440MusicMegathread A Comprehensive List For All Music Lovers Its a treasure trove of music resources to enhance your listening experience and discover new music