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Integromat - Automate your workflow
Integromat - Automate your workflow
Integromat lets you connect apps and automate workflows in a few clicks. Move data between apps without effort so you can focus on growing your business.
Integromat - Automate your workflow
Pricing | Integromat
Pricing | Integromat
Get unrestricted access to every feature for free. Cost-effective plans for individuals, teams, and businesses. Custom enterprise automation solutions. With Integromat, everyone gets to automate.
Pricing | Integromat
Workflow Update Brings Ability to Interact with Any Web API MacStories
Workflow Update Brings Ability to Interact with Any Web API MacStories
Integration with native iOS features and apps has always been one of Workflows strong suits. With an update released today, however, the Workflow team is considerably expanding the scope of the app to work with any web API, giving Workflow a virtually infinite feature set that goes beyond iOS alone. Over the past couple of
Workflow Update Brings Ability to Interact with Any Web API MacStories
Explore - Zapier
Explore - Zapier
Discover what others use Zapier for, get inspired, and find ways to save time at work.
Explore - Zapier
What is a Webhook?
What is a Webhook?
A Webhook allows you to integrate with services that are not already on IFTTT using simple web requests. These Applets are unique to you using your own unique URL key, which can be found in the Documentation section of the Webhooks service page.
What is a Webhook?
Published Applets - IFTTT
Published Applets - IFTTT
Sign up for a free IFTTT account to connect Google, Alexa, Twitter, Instagram, Fitbit, Slack, and hundreds more of your favorite apps and devices.
Published Applets - IFTTT
See all services - IFTTT
See all services - IFTTT
Explore all the services on IFTTT. Do more with over different services, including Amazon Alexa, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Fitbit, Slack, and hundreds more.
See all services - IFTTT
Home - Cognifirm
Home - Cognifirm
[vc_row css_animation= row_type=row use_row_as_full_screen_section=no type=grid angled_section=no text_align=left background_image_as_pattern=without_pattern css=.vc_custom_1635246089553{margin-top: 30px !important;border-bottom-width: 30px !important;padding-top: 50px !important;padding-bottom: 50px !important;background-color: #4974ee !important;} z_index= el_class=home-banner][vc_column width=1/2 css=.vc_custom_1635246070603{padding-left: 50px !important;}][vc_column_text] Automate Yourself [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=20px][vc_column_text]Cognifirm is a digital assistant that does online tasks on your behalf[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=65px][vc_empty_space height=20px][/vc_column][vc_column width=1/2][vc_single_image image=885 img_size=full...
Home - Cognifirm Build Invincible Apps Build Invincible Apps
Temporal is the open source runtime for running mission critical code atop unreliable, distributed services at any scale.
·· Build Invincible Apps
Bardeen | Automate your repetitive tasks with one click
Bardeen | Automate your repetitive tasks with one click
Bardeen is an automation app to replace your repetitive tasks with a single shortcut and control your web apps from anywhere. Explore our integrations with your favorite apps and hundreds of pre-built playbooks that help you stay in the flow.
Bardeen | Automate your repetitive tasks with one click
SiteWhere Open Source Internet of Things Platform
SiteWhere Open Source Internet of Things Platform
SiteWhere is an industrial-strength open source application enablement platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). It provides a multi-tenant microservice-based infrastructure built on Kubernetes.
SiteWhere Open Source Internet of Things Platform