Intellectual property in India is a subordinate office of the Govt of India & administers the Indian law for Patents, Designs, Trade Marks & Geographical Indica
Image Tricks Lite is a freeware photo editing application that utilizes macOS Core Image filters and Quartz Compositions to transform your favorite photos. Image Tricks Lite also contains a powerful image generator for creating random images, as well as photo frames and borders to decorate your ima…
VDownloader is FREE video conversion software that allows you to download YouTube videos as MP4 video files. VDownloader also works on 200+ other websites...
Лучший сайт, где можно быстро найти и скачать мини игры и аркадные игры для PC и мобильных устройств! Всё разбито по категориям и жанрам, есть описания, скриншоты, рейтинги и комментарии игроков.