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My father (Ron), mother (Karin) and I (Alexander) are doing research in the topic navies and merchant shipping in the period 1500-present.Together we are busy with photographing, drawing and doing research in archives, literature and on the web trying to collect every kind of information and sharing that with others without commercial thoughts just because we are ship lovers and fond of naval history.
WebFeed: Turn browser into feed reader
WebFeed: Turn browser into feed reader
While the Internet is becoming more and more centralize, the open web feed technology like RSS and Atom is becoming less popular. People tends to share their article by the closed platform like Facebook or Twitter instead of independent blog with RSS or Atom. But why? Why the open technology are of no better than the closed one? I think one most signifiant advantage of the closed platform is their better use experience. It is not easy to subscribe a blog with web feed. This is why I develop the WebFeed browser extension, by which you can turn your browser into a simple feed subscriber and reader. And then the use experience of web feed like RSS or Atom will be more friendly.
WebFeed: Turn browser into feed reader
WebTube is an application based on the YouTube website with many customizations and modifications to make the use of it more pleasant.
Welcome to Encyclopaedia Iranica
Welcome to Encyclopaedia Iranica
The Encyclopaedia Iranica is a comprehensive research tool dedicated to the study of Iranian civilization in the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Indian subcontinent
Welcome to Encyclopaedia Iranica
welcome | osu!
welcome | osu!
osu! - Rhythm is just a *click* away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well as a fully functional level editor.
welcome | osu!