FontParkcom has the largest archive of free fonts on the Internet You can find fonts for commercial and noncommercial applications for Windows Mac OS and Linux
Boldfonts offer a number of free fonts for designers that include bold italic black and other type of fonts that can be downloaded in different format and sizes
Image and Video hosting software that allows you to create your own media hosting and sharing service Its your hosting and your rules say goodbye to the closures and restrictions
Photonix is a photo management application that solves a lot of problems Once set up it will ingest all the photos in your collection and start building up an image database of everything you could want to search and filter by It makes your entire collection available to you whichever device youre using as long as you can get to a web browser
Lychee is a free photomanagement tool which runs on your server or webspace Upload manage and share photos like from a native application Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely