GitHub - malcodeman/ Free resume builder for developers.

GitHub - malipramod/google-photos-migration-app: Migrates Photo/Albums from one Google Photos Account to Another with a single click.
GitHub - manasecurity/mana-security-app: macOS vulnerability management for individuals
GitHub - Manpreet-Singh001/bookmarks: web-app to store the bookmarks in a way i like.
GitHub - mapbox/csv2geojson: magically convert csv files to geojson files
GitHub - mapbox/mapbox-gl-js: Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
GitHub - marcelscruz/dev-resources: A collaborative list of resources for developers
GitHub - marcjulianschwarz/obsidian-file-link: A plugin for the note taking app Obsidian to add better external file links to your notes.
GitHub - marcobiedermann/search-engine-optimization: A helpful checklist/collection of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips and techniques.
GitHub - markdown-templates/markdown-emojis: All the emojis
GitHub - MarkMindCkm/obsidian-markmind: A mind map, outline and pdf annotate tool for obsidian,It support mobile and desktop
GitHub - markodenic/web-development-resources: Awesome Web Development Resources.
GitHub - marktext/marktext: A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
GitHub - mashb1t/spotisights: statistic dashboards for Spotify
GitHub - masonlr/obsidian-starter-templates: Starter templates for
GitHub - massCodeIO/massCode: A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
GitHub - MasterScrat/Chatistics: Python scripts to parse Messenger, Hangouts, WhatsApp and Telegram chat logs into DataFrames.
GitHub - mathiasbynens/dotfiles: .files, including ~/.macos sensible hacker defaults for macOS
GitHub - MattbookPro/ Log your Top Weekly Artists and Tracks to your Day One journal
GitHub - mattcone/markdown-guide: The comprehensive Markdown reference guide.
GitHub - mattd/google-photos-downloader: Downloads photos from Google Photos.
GitHub - mattn/docx2md: Convert Microsoft Word Document to Markdown
GitHub - mattt/GroundControl: Remote configuration for iOS
GitHub - mattwilson1024/google-photos-exif: A tool to populate missing `DateTimeOriginal` EXIF metadata in Google Photos takeout, using Google's JSON metadata.
GitHub - Maumagnaguagno/Timeline: Convert Markdown timeline to Graphviz DOT
GitHub - MaxiHuHe04/iTunes-Backup-Explorer: A graphical tool that can extract and replace files from encrypted and non-encrypted iOS backups
GitHub - Maxmad68/SMSDB2HTML: Archive your sms.db messages as a iOS like web site
GitHub - Maxr1998/SpotifyStats: A Vue.js-based web app to analyze your Spotify GDPR data-dump
GitHub - mayhemantt/Portfolio-Website: Free to use portfolio website. Dont forget to start. Thank you.
GitHub - mbaronetti/spotify-dash: Simple and easy to use Spotify dashboard