GitHub - smklancher/ExistExportToSQL: Import data into SQL Server

GitHub - gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow: Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed
GitHub - gatsbyjs/gatsby: Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React
GitHub - smarj/Ulysses-Journal-Import: Import Day One JSON export into Ulysses
GitHub - GAS85/nextcloud_scripts: This a collection of scripts that makes my nextcloud administrator life easy by automation and better reporting. And I would like to share it with U.
GitHub - garyng/obsidian-temple: A plugin for templating in Obsidian, powered by Nunjucks.
GitHub - sleepyqadir/TechFolio: An Open Sourced Creative Portfolio for Developer and Tech Geeks
GitHub - garimasingh128/gitsetgo: A Github Resume generator to create your own personalised resume based on your Github profile. This tool lets you have your resume on a single click.
GitHub - ganesshkumar/obsidian-plugins-stats-ui: A tool to get plugin statistics of Obsidian plugin ecosystem.
GitHub - skeate/Leaflet.timeline: Display arbitrary GeoJSON on a map with a timeline slider and play button
GitHub - GabrieleVir/Timeline-generator: A generator of timelines
GitHub - FWMSH/timelineViewer: Build interactive, multi-touch timelines using a spreadsheet
siyuan-note/siyuan: A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
GitHub - fwicht/TunesCloud: XSLT transformation to export iTunes playlists to Nextcloud/Owncloud Music app
GitHub - FutureSharks/rpi-security: A security system written in python to run on a Raspberry Pi with motion detection and mobile notifications
GitHub - sirredbeard/Awesome-UNIX: All the UNIX and UNIX-Like: Linux, BSD, macOS, Illumos, 9front, and more.
GitHub - frutik/awesome-search: Awesome Search - this is all about the (e-commerce) search and its awesomeness
GitHub - dermesser/photosync: Now that Google deprecated the PhotosDrive synchronization, I need another way to back up my photos locally. This program downloads all photos from your Google Photos account and organizes them locally. It is not very user friendly yet, but definitely usable
GitHub - frostland/GPS-Stone: Record your position and export your trip in GPX with GPS Stone on iOS.
GitHub - sipspatidar/Instagram-Backup-Data-Viewer: To view the download backup data(message) of instagram
GitHub - freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp:'s open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
GitHub - FranciscaOrtizRuiz/timelines: Personal collection of examples to do different timelines in R, for social science researchers.
GitHub - sinwindie/OSINT: Collections of tools and methods created to aid in OSINT collection
GitHub - ForbiddenProgrammer/awesome-cybersecurity-news: List of sources for cybersecurity news
GitHub - fonsp/Pluto.jl: Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
GitHub - sintaxi/harp: Static Web Server/Generator/Bundler
GitHub - fokion/google_drive_extractor: Extract and migrate photos and videos when you takeout your data from Google
GitHub - FlyingWolFox/Netscape-Bookmarks-File-Parser: Parser and creator for Netscape Bookmarks file format that is used when exporting bookmarks from browsers
GitHub - singlequote/laravel-filemanager: A laravel filemanager package
GitHub - Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher: Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins