GitHub - danieldurnea/FBI-tools: OSINT Tools for gathering information and actions forensics
GitHub - danielhusar/ghost-timeline: Ghost.js theme
GitHub - DaniloNovakovic/chrome-dynamic-bookmarks: Chrome extension which dynamically updates bookmarks according to given regular expressions (w/ bookmark manager)
GitHub - danymat/Obsidian-Markdown-Parser: This repository will give you tools to parse and fetch useful informations of your notes in your Obsidian vault.
GitHub - daprofiler/DaProfiler: DaProfiler is an OSINT tool allowing you to collect certain information about yourself in order to rectify by rgpd requests the traces you may have left on the net. DaProfiler is indeed able to recover: Addresses, Social media accounts, e-mail addresses, mobile / landline number, jobs. On a specified subject in a limited time. DaProfiler is designed for Educational Purposes only, We accept no responsibility for the use you make of it.
GitHub - dar5hak/generator-awesome-list: Yeoman generator for GitHub awesome lists
GitHub - darekkay/static-marks: Shareable bookmarks
GitHub - darpa-i2o/memex-program-index: A list of memex-related tools and their repository URLs
GitHub - darthmachina/obsidian-neural-link: Tool to automate Obsidian data
GitHub - davidbosman/Day-One-OSX-Gallery: Display a photo gallery on OS X based on Day One's pictures
GitHub - davidbosman/Import-Markdown-to-Day-One: Import markdown journal entries (txt files) to Day One app (OS X)
GitHub - davidgoy/reflect: Static site generator for WordPress.
GitHub - DavidJKTofan/CyberSec-resources: A repo of useful CyberSec tools/urls, OSINT, Linux security resources, and more.
GitHub - DavidMetcalfe/Chrome-Bookmarks-Parser: Back up and parse Google Chrome's Bookmarks.bak file
GitHub - DavidWells/markdown-magic: Automatically format markdown files using comment blocks. Update contents via custom transforms, external data sources & your source code.
GitHub - DBDoco/Better-Bookmarks: JavaScript Google Chrome extension that improves default bookmark feature by adding ability to include notes byside given bookmarks.
GitHub - dduan/Tweet-Importer-For-Day-One: Imports Tweet Archive To Day One
GitHub - deinsoftware/swpm: Switch Package Manager
GitHub - dendronhq/dendron: The personal knowledge management (PKM) tool that grows as you do!
GitHub - denisidoro/navi: An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
GitHub - DenisIzmaylov/awesome-telegram-bots: Collection of examples, libraries and starter-kits for Telegram Bots
GitHub - denolehov/obsidian-url-into-selection: Paste URLs into selected text "notion style"
GitHub - DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats: Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README
GitHub - DenverCoder1/readme-typing-svg: Dynamically generated, customizable SVG that gives the appearance of typing and deleting text. Typing SVGs can be used as a bio on your Github profile readme or repository.
GitHub - dermesser/photosync: Now that Google deprecated the PhotosDrive synchronization, I need another way to back up my photos locally. This program downloads all photos from your Google Photos account and organizes them locally. It is not very user friendly yet, but definitely usable
GitHub - dersvenhesse/awesome-scriptable: A curated list of awesome Scriptable scripts and widgets.
GitHub - dev-plvlml/Cakewalk-MIDI-Instruments: A bunch of Cakewalk (tm) MIDI instrument definitions
GitHub - developStorm/simple-badges: Awesome Simple Icons on your favorite Badges. Try out on your profile today!
GitHub - devidw/obsidian-to-hugo: Process Obsidian notes to publish them with Hugo. Supports transformation of Obsidian wiki links into Hugo shortcodes for internal linking.
GitHub - devXprite/infoooze: Infoooze is an OSINT tool. It helps you to quickly find information effectively. All you need is to input and it will take take care of rest.