GitHub - GAS85/nextcloud_scripts: This a collection of scripts that makes my nextcloud administrator life easy by automation and better reporting. And I would like to share it with U.
GitHub - gatsbyjs/gatsby: Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React
GitHub - gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow: Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed
GitHub - geekplux/markvis: make visualization in markdown.
GitHub - Geektrovert/AwsTerm: A collection of awesome terminal utilities
GitHub - getgrav/grav: Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony
GitHub - girishgr8/Resume-Builder: Creating a resume is a bit tedious task for any working professional from any industry. One has to keep it short, simple, and with the latest work experience. This Resume Builder project will help to build your resume-builder by auto-generating it on your own and helping working professionals with the same using ReactJS and NodeJS frameworks.
GitHub - GitJournal/GitJournal: Mobile first Note Taking integrated with Git
GitHub - gitpod-io/gitpod: Gitpod automates the provisioning of ready-to-code development environments.
GitHub - GitSquared/edex-ui: A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
GitHub - giventofly/teikirize-bookmarks: Your self host solution for bookmarks saving.
GitHub - GNU-Linux-libre/Awesome-Browser-Search-Engine: Awesome Browser Search engine streaming live git Privacy Alternative Alternatives
GitHub - Goobaroo/wp2dayone: Wordpress to Day One import.
GitHub - GoogleCloudPlatform/awesome-google-cloud: A curated list of awesome stuff for Google Cloud Platform.
GitHub - gregryork/DayOneViewer: A Viewer for Day One Journal Entries in Java
GitHub - guilhermeborgesbastos/live-resume: Stand out of the crowd by showing a professional website/resume. Building fast and easy the best Personal Web Application resume!
GitHub - hackerspider1/EchoPwn: Recon Automation for hackers by hackers
GitHub - hamilton/microfiche: ALPHA ~ A web extension framework for collecting rich, customized browsing history datasets.
GitHub - harehare/textusm: Online tool for Generate a User Story Map from indented text.
GitHub - harmonoid/harmonoid: Plays & manages your music library. Looks beautiful & juicy. Playlists, visuals, synced lyrics, pitch shift, volume boost & more.
GitHub - harrytran103/awesome-linux-apps: A list of awesome applications for Linux distributions.
GitHub - Heapy/vipassana: Life and collaboration assistant.
GitHub - heartly/awesome-writing-tools: A curated list of awesome tools for improving written communication
GitHub - HomemadeToast57/repofinder: APT repository app for jailbroken iOS devices
GitHub - hrshainik/bookmark-manager: Here you can bookmark your favourite website links and this links stored in local storage that's why you find this bookmarks any time it's won't vanish.
GitHub - hungsu/typomagical-obsidian: An Obsidian theme for typographic appreciators, with support for Style Settings by mgmeyers
GitHub - I2rys/SherNode: Fast, easily configurable and simplified codes NodeJS version of Sherlock.
GitHub - IAmBlackHacker/Facebook-BruteForce: Bruteforce attack on Facebook account using python script
GitHub - iCHAIT/awesome-macOS: A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
GitHub - Idnan/bash-guide: A guide to learn bash