GitHub - mbaronetti/spotify-dash: Simple and easy to use Spotify dashboard
GitHub - mdezube/sms-analysis: Python/IPython code to analyze one's text messages. Intended to work out of the box, see README for details.
GitHub - megaease/easegress: A Cloud Native traffic orchestration system
GitHub - mehmetsagir/regex-safe-website: Easy controls with Regex.
GitHub - melipass/lastfm-to-markdown: GitHub Actions workflow that automatically updates the covers from your's weekly chart everyday, inside your profile repository's file. Useful for customizing your profile in repos named after your GitHub username.
GitHub - MengTo/DesignerNewsApp: Build a Swift App as a designer
GitHub - MergenStudios/memento: Command line tool written in Go for sorting and categorizing personal files like screenshots, recordings, logs and more.
GitHub - metabrainz/picard: MusicBrainz Picard audio file tagger
GitHub - mfcar/TextTools: Tools for your text
GitHub - mgmeyers/obsidian-icon-swapper: Allows swapping out Obsidian's icons
GitHub - mgmeyers/obsidian-smart-typography: Converts quotes to curly quotes, dashes to em dashes, and periods to ellipses
GitHub - mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings: A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables within Obsidian
GitHub - mholt/timeliner: All your digital life on a single timeline, stored locally
GitHub - michabirklbauer/instagram_json_viewer: Transforms Instagram's *.json / backup data - that you get via the Data Download Tool - to a readable format!
GitHub - michael-danello/iMessageWrapped: Visualizing and Exploring iMessage data
GitHub - michael-danello/iMessageWrappedRelease: Data and Visualizations on all your 2020 iMessages
GitHub - MichaelCurrin/html-timeline-generator: Browser tool to create pretty HTML timelines
GitHub - MichaelCurrin/url-manager: Centralize, view, edit, label and organize collections of your favorite URLs
GitHub - mickael-kerjean/filestash: A modern web client for SFTP, S3, FTP, WebDAV, Git, Minio, LDAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, Mysql, Backblaze, ...
GitHub - microlinkhq/sdk: Make any URL embeddable. Turn any URL into a beautiful link preview.
GitHub - mikecel79/DISMGUI: DISM GUI is a graphical interface for the DISM command line utility written in the .NET. DISM GUI allows you to mount and dismount WIMs, manager drivers, features and packages.
GitHub - Mikolaj-Mroz/Statsify: A web app to check your spotify statistics.
GitHub - mil/markdown-tree: A Sinatra script to serve a hierarchy / tree directory of markdown files. Use intended for small sites built in markdown.
GitHub - minesweeper106/ShinyR-iMessageBrowser: A simple shiny app that takes an IOS chat.db/sms.db backup file and renders an html chat view.
GitHub - miraclx/freyr-js: A tool for downloading songs from music streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music.
GitHub - Miserlou/Zappa: Serverless Python
GitHub - mislavcimpersak/awesome-dev-fun: A curated list of awesome fun libs/packages/languages that have no real purpose but to make a developer chuckle.
GitHub - misterfoo/DayOneWin: Windows client for DayOne journal
GitHub - mistermicheels/markdown-notes-tree: Generate Markdown trees that act as a table of contents for a folder structure with Markdown notes
GitHub - misuroz/Music-Composition-with-Cakewalk-CAL: Hundreds of tools for composers that will save a lot of time when writing music, skipping routine tasks and providing inspiration.