GitHub - apache/incubator-devlake: Apache DevLake is an open-source dev data platform to ingest, analyze, and visualize the fragmented data from DevOps tools, extracting insights for engineering excellence, developer experience, and community growth.
GitHub - AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy: AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.
GitHub - appwrite/appwrite: Secure Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers AKA the 100% open-source Firebase alternative.
GitHub - apricote/Listory: Track your Spotify listens
GitHub - ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox: Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
GitHub - archivy/archivy: Archivy is a self-hostable knowledge repository that allows you to learn and retain information in your own personal and extensible wiki.
GitHub - argp/iBoot64helper: IDAPython loader to help with AArch64 iBoot, iBEC, and SecureROM reverse engineering
GitHub - arifszn/gitprofile: Create a dynamic portfolio by just providing your GitHub username.
GitHub - Arlodotexe/strix-music: Breaking down the walls between music services
GitHub - arn4v/markbox: Markbox (FKA Bookmarky) is tag-based bookmarking tool inspired by
GitHub - arnau/obsidian-metatable: An Obsidian plugin to display the frontmatter section as a fully expanded table.
GitHub - arnaudsm/raito: Mini Markdown Wiki/CMS in 8kb of JavaScript
GitHub - ArneTR/standardnotes_day_one_importer: Day One JSON Export Importer for Standard Notes
GitHub - arnowelzel/netdata-nextcloud: A plugin for netdata to monitor Nextcloud servers
GitHub - aromalanil/markItDown: A React app to preview and edit Markdown. You can also export it as HTML.
GitHub - artiomn/markdown_articles_tool: Parse markdown article, download images and replace images URL's with local paths
GitHub - arunghosh/react-time-line: A react component to display event in a vertical timeline format
GitHub - aryankashyap7/CheatSheets-for-Developers: This Cheat sheet list has been made to enhance the workflow and efficiency. This well curated list will save you time when you just can't remember the code.
GitHub - aryaxt/iOS-Slide-Menu: iOS Slide Menu with ability to add both left and right menu, and built in gesture recognizer. Similar to Path and Facebook
GitHub - astralapp/astral: Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease
GitHub - atapas/markdown-cheatsheet: A single place for all the markdown syntaxes I have learned so far.
GitHub - Atarity/deploy-your-own-saas: List of "only yours" cloud services for everyday needs
GitHub - aterenin/Photos: A desktop app for the Google Photos website with dark mode support.
GitHub - atkinsio/bookmarks-html-generator: A tool which allows you to convert a list of URLs into Bookmarks for use with all major browsers.
GitHub - atsuoishimoto/python-raindropio: Python wrapper for API.
GitHub - Aufree/ESTMusicPlayer: An elegant and simple iOS music player.
GitHub - aurelien-brabant/nextcloud-music-player: [WIP] A clone of Apple's music app designed to work with any nextcloud instance, build with react native
GitHub - AurelienAubry/Spotlight: Spotlight is a Spotify dashboard that allows user to visualize his listening habits.
GitHub - auroracramer/dayone-audio-summarizer: Generating summarizations of DayOne audio journals in Markdown format
GitHub - AutomaApp/automa: A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks