GitHub - arn4v/markbox: Markbox (FKA Bookmarky) is tag-based bookmarking tool inspired by
GitHub - arnau/obsidian-metatable: An Obsidian plugin to display the frontmatter section as a fully expanded table.
GitHub - arnaudsm/raito: Mini Markdown Wiki/CMS in 8kb of JavaScript
GitHub - ArneTR/standardnotes_day_one_importer: Day One JSON Export Importer for Standard Notes
GitHub - arnowelzel/netdata-nextcloud: A plugin for netdata to monitor Nextcloud servers
GitHub - aromalanil/markItDown: A React app to preview and edit Markdown. You can also export it as HTML.
GitHub - arunghosh/react-time-line: A react component to display event in a vertical timeline format
GitHub - aterenin/Photos: A desktop app for the Google Photos website with dark mode support.
GitHub - aurelien-brabant/nextcloud-music-player: [WIP] A clone of Apple's music app designed to work with any nextcloud instance, build with react native
GitHub - AurelienAubry/Spotlight: Spotlight is a Spotify dashboard that allows user to visualize his listening habits.
GitHub - AutomaApp/automa: A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
GitHub - axiros/terminal_markdown_viewer: Styled Terminal Markdown Viewer
GitHub - AykutSarac/ Seamlessly visualize your JSON data instantly into graphs; paste, import or fetch!
GitHub - azuline/repertoire: whoops never finished this lol, don't look it's old and embarrassing
GitHub - badges/shields: Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
GitHub - balogunpraise/bookmarkapp: A simple bookmark application using nestjs
GitHub - Bastian-Kuhn/DayOne2Html: Script to Convert DayOne Json into HTML
GitHub - bbkane/starghaze: Save information about your GitHub starred repos into Google Sheets, Zinc, and SQLite!
GitHub - bearlike/my-popos-setup: A list of boring installations and configurations that I have to do every time I flush my PC.
GitHub - beetbox/beets: music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
GitHub - benbalter/wordpress-to-jekyll-exporter: One-click WordPress plugin that converts all posts, pages, taxonomies, metadata, and settings to Markdown and YAML which can be dropped into Jekyll (or Hugo or any other Markdown and YAML based site engine).
GitHub - bencooper222/Facebook-Messenger-Export-Display: A display of your exported Facebook messages
GitHub - bencooper222/Facebook-Messenger-Export: Converting Messenger's export into something useful
GitHub - benhays42/WebOasis: A Fork of
GitHub - bernuli/smsExport: smsExport is a Perl script that reads your iOS device backup files and creates a CSV file of your text messages. It uses the messages sql database and matches up phone numbers with the addressbook database from the iOS device. Output is a CSV file with a line by line representation of text messages.
GitHub - Birdie0/discord-ifttt:
GitHub - Birdie0/discord-webhooks-guide:
GitHub - Birdie0/userstyles: Small collection of "css patches"
GitHub - Biswajee/CV-Generator: A web app that generates impressive resume for free. Built on Django and Jinja2 template engine. This web app comes with its own API which returns user's resume data as json object.
GitHub - bitbrain/jekyll-dash: Light and dark blog theme for Jekyll, inspired by Dash UI for Atom.