GitHub - tuan3w/obsidian-template: Starter templates for Obsidian
GitHub - libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice: A cross-platform protocol library to communicate with iOS devices
GitHub - manasecurity/mana-security-app: macOS vulnerability management for individuals
GitHub - mapbox/mapbox-gl-js: Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
miguelgazela/Projects: [Python] Trying to complete all projects from
GitHub - mxamber/TimelineTool: Simple timeline creator implemented in HTML & JavaScript.
GitHub - tth05/obsidian-completr: Auto-completion plugin for the obsidian editor.
GitHub - tslmy/GoQuantifyYourself: Visualizing Quantified Self data with R.
GitHub - Trivernis/mediarepo: A media management tool
GitHub - trazfr/prometheus-nextcloud-exporter: Monitoring of a Nextcloud instance using the servinfo plugin
GitHub - Traurige/Ve: Natively integrated notification logger
GitHub - navdeepsekhon/portfolio-generator: JS framework to dynamically generate a portfolio site from a JSON file
GitHub zekroTJAstargrab Securely mirror your starred repositories
Securely mirror your starred repositories Contribute to zekroTJAstargrab development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub - trashhalo/obsidian-extract-url: Plugin to extract markdown out of urls
GitHub - tomzorz/obsidian-link-archive: Link Archive plugin for Obsidian
GitHub - tobiasschuerg/Photo-Organizer: Tool to help organizing large (unorganized) collections of photos, such as from Google Takeout.
GitHub - monizb/vscode-regex-snippets: Official repository for Regular Expression Snippets Extension on VSCode
GitHub - myugan/awesome-linux-customization: An awesome list of customization tools for your UN*X/Linux desktop.
GitHub - tldr-pages/tldr: Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
GitHub - tkat0/obsidian-scrapbox-flavored: Scrapbox-flavored grid view and efficient list operations for Obsidian
GitHub - tIsGoud/save-safari-tabs-to-day-one: Save all your Safari tabs in a Day One 2 entry.
GitHub - tIsGoud/save-chrome-tabs-to-day-one: Save all your Chrome tabs in a Day One 2 entry.
GitHub - miziomon/awesome-wordpress: A curated list of amazingly awesome WordPress resources, themes, plugins and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-php.
GitHub - timothypholmes/startup-page: A custom startup page for your browser.
GitHub - TimOliver/TOWebViewController: A view controller class for iOS that allows users to view web pages directly within an app.
GitHub - mjolnirapp/mjolnir: Lightweight automation and productivity app for OS X
GitHub - TimBroddin/raindrop-to-wpcom: Lambda function to post bookmarks to wpcom
GitHub - massCodeIO/massCode: A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
GitHub - mattn/docx2md: Convert Microsoft Word Document to Markdown