GitHub - singlequote/laravel-filemanager: A laravel filemanager package
GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs: Delightful Node.js packages and resources
GitHub - simsor/takeout-browser: Web gallery to browse a Google Photos extract using Takeout
GitHub - kirbyt/timeline-jekyll-theme: A multipurpose, single page Jekyll theme.
GitHub - simple-icons/simple-icons: SVG icons for popular brands
GitHub - KevCui/download-github-stars: :star2: Download Github user's stars information to local md/json file
GitHub - simonwongwong/Facebook-Messenger-Statistics: Discover fun stats about your Facebook Messenger usage such as: most used words, most active year, most active hours, etc. using this Jupyter Notebook
GitHub - simonwongwong/Facebook-Messenger-JSON-viewer: If you've downloaded your Facebook data in JSON format, this tool lets you read the chats more intuitively
GitHub - simonmichael/hledger: Robust, fast, intuitive plain text accounting tool with CLI, TUI and web interfaces.
GitHub - simonelnahas/DayOne2-import-from-CSViMoodJournal: a python script for importing entries into DayOne2 from CSV export from iMoodJournal
GitHub - jorgebucaran/ A curation of prompts, plugins & other resources for Fish.
GitHub - JoshSweaterGuy/lava: Lava is a markup generation tool built for obsidian
GitHub - JoyGhoshs/FbBruteforcer: Facebook Bruteforce python Script You Can Use It In Windows If You Have Python 2.7 installed On Your Windows also You Can Use It in Kali linux
GitHub - kalyan02/dayone: Python/Django server to publish to web from your Classic Dayone journal directly
GitHub - KanekiWeb/Email-Osint: EMAIL OSINT is an OSINT Tool for emails. It helps you gather information about the target email.
GitHub - simonedegiacomi/gphotosuploader: Unofficial Google Photos uploader and Go library
GitHub - silnshadow/InstagramMessages: This project is an attempt to make Instagram backup messages from Json to readable format.
GitHub - SilentCircle/iap-local-receipt: Python library to do local server-side verification of iOS App Store receipts
GitHub - Siguza/imobax: iOS Mobile Backup Extractor
GitHub - juliasilge/tidytext: Text mining using tidy tools
GitHub - SignTools/SignTools: A free, self-hosted platform to sideload iOS apps without a computer
GitHub - siegblink/webdev-resources: Collection of helpful web development resources.
GitHub - shreeshjha/WebOas-is: This is the copy of famous WebOas-is using the resources provided by Webby...
GitHub - shravan20/github-readme-quotes: Dynamic quote generator for your GitHub readmes | Give a poetic touch to readmes
GitHub - jqnatividad/qsv: CSVs sliced, diced & analyzed.
GitHub - kafene/netscape-bookmark-parser: a php script (function) to parse netscape format bookmark files
GitHub - showdownjs/showdown: A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript
GitHub - Shopify/superdb: The Super Debugger, a realtime wireless debugger for iOS
GitHub - Shmoopi/iOS-System-Services: iOS System Services is a class to gather all available information about a device.
GitHub - shmilylty/OneForAll: OneForAll