Found 1422 bookmarks
GitHub - jphastings/Email-DayOne: DayOne is a Mac/iOS journal app which uses DropBox as a syncing agent. This heroku app takes advantage of that and gives you an email address you can use to email entries directly to your journal.
GitHub - jphastings/Email-DayOne: DayOne is a Mac/iOS journal app which uses DropBox as a syncing agent. This heroku app takes advantage of that and gives you an email address you can use to email entries directly to your journal.
GitHub - jphastings/Email-DayOne: DayOne is a Mac/iOS journal app which uses DropBox as a syncing agent. This heroku app takes advantage of that and gives you an email address you can use to email entries directly to your journal.
GitHub - kitykity/DayOneRandom: Day One doesn't have a random post button (yet!), but this web page will allow you to go to any random post that you've put into it. Requires a little work each time you write a post, but it's worth it!
GitHub - kitykity/DayOneRandom: Day One doesn't have a random post button (yet!), but this web page will allow you to go to any random post that you've put into it. Requires a little work each time you write a post, but it's worth it!
GitHub - kitykity/DayOneRandom: Day One doesn't have a random post button (yet!), but this web page will allow you to go to any random post that you've put into it. Requires a little work each time you write a post, but it's worth it!