GitHub - iheanyi/bandcamp-dl: Simple python script to download Bandcamp albums
GitHub - tabler/tabler: Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
GitHub - Igglybuff/awesome-piracy-bot: Set of bots for scraping URLs from Discord, Telegram, Reddit, and IRC.
GitHub - Igglybuff/awesome-piracy: A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links
GitHub - szymboro/weboasis: Fork of
GitHub - Idnan/bash-guide: A guide to learn bash
GitHub - iCHAIT/awesome-macOS: A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
GitHub - syseleven/nextcloud-tools: This project contains tools to operate Nextcloud.
GitHub - IAmBlackHacker/Facebook-BruteForce: Bruteforce attack on Facebook account using python script
GitHub - I2rys/SherNode: Fast, easily configurable and simplified codes NodeJS version of Sherlock.
GitHub - symkat/MarkdownSite: Create a website from a git repository in one click
GitHub - hydecorp/hydejack: A boutique Jekyll theme for hackers, nerds, and academics
GitHub - husnainfareed/Awesome-Ethical-Hacking-Resources: All the resources I could find for learning Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing.
GitHub - SyedAbuTalib/Github-Stars: Saves time by listing all starred repos in one page
GitHub - hungsu/typomagical-obsidian: An Obsidian theme for typographic appreciators, with support for Style Settings by mgmeyers
GitHub - hundredrabbits/Themes: Simple Theme Framework
GitHub - syahravi/syahravi-timeline: syahravi timeline - a timeline of important events in my life.
GitHub - hulk66/timeline: Timeline - A photo organizer
GitHub - DenisIzmaylov/awesome-telegram-bots: Collection of examples, libraries and starter-kits for Telegram Bots
GitHub - dermesser/photosync: Now that Google deprecated the PhotosDrive synchronization, I need another way to back up my photos locally. This program downloads all photos from your Google Photos account and organizes them locally. It is not very user friendly yet, but definitely usable
GitHub - dipakkr/A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students: Curated list of resources for college students
GitHub - frostland/GPS-Stone: Record your position and export your trip in GPX with GPS Stone on iOS.
GitHub - girliemac/a-picture-is-worth-a-1000-words: I am trying to describe complex matters in simple doodles!
GitHub - hubert3/iSniff-GPS: Passive sniffing tool for capturing and visualising WiFi location data disclosed by iOS devices
GitHub - swl-x/MystiQ: Qt5/C++ FFmpeg Media Converter
GitHub - hrshainik/bookmark-manager: Here you can bookmark your favourite website links and this links stored in local storage that's why you find this bookmarks any time it's won't vanish.
GitHub - Hossman333/DayOne-Find-And-Replace: Find and replace text for Day One JSON exports.
GitHub - Swivro/weboasis-continued: An attempt to recreate and continue the now defunct Weboasis (was accessible via, but is now down). RIP Webby 1992-2022.
GitHub - honcheng/iOSPlot: Chart library for iOS
GitHub - HomemadeToast57/repofinder: APT repository app for jailbroken iOS devices