GitHub - StefanoCecere/DayOne2Markdown: a script to export from Day One journal to md blog entries
GitHub - hacksalot/HackMyResume: Generate polished resumes and CVs in HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, MS Word, PDF, plain text, JSON, XML, YAML, smoke signal, and carrier pigeon.
GitHub - hackerspider1/EchoPwn: Recon Automation for hackers by hackers
GitHub - Ciphey/Ciphey: Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes
GitHub - dougpark/dayone: Better Touch Tool create a DayOne journal entry
GitHub - stefanbuck/awesome-browser-extensions-for-github: A collection of awesome browser extensions for GitHub.
GitHub - hackershare/hackershare: Hackershare is a powerful social bookmarking service and a knowledge-sharing community, with advanced search and tag management feature
GitHub - Hack-with-Github/Awesome-Hacking: A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers
GitHub - staniel359/muffon: Music streaming browser
GitHub - guomo/ObsidianHelper: Simple scripts to generate local hierarchies for us with the popular obsidian not taking tool.
GitHub - GuillaumeFalourd/useful-actions: Curated list of useful Github actions with workflows examples
GitHub - eugustavo/github-badges: Application made to create badges for your readme
GitHub - sramezani/resume-builder: Modern real-time design and 100% free resume builder.
GitHub - guilhermeborgesbastos/live-resume: Stand out of the crowd by showing a professional website/resume. Building fast and easy the best Personal Web Application resume!
GitHub - guastallaigor/vue-horizontal-timeline: Just a simple horizontal timeline component made with Vue.js (works with Vue 2 & Vue 3)
GitHub - squeek502/audiometa: An audio metadata/tag reading library written in Zig
GitHub - grtfou/github-stars: List stars of Github account to markdown file
GitHub - gregryork/DayOneViewer: A Viewer for Day One Journal Entries in Java
GitHub - chetachiezikeuzor/MySnippets-Plugin: MySnippets is a plugin that adds a status bar menu allowing the user to quickly manage their snippets within the comfort of their workspace .
GitHub - chrisdiana/cms.js: Client-Side JavaScript Site Generator
GitHub - cipher387/osint_stuff_tool_collection: A collection of several hundred online tools for OSINT
GitHub - eviabs/downtify-premium: Downtify is an open source Spofity downloader which makes it possible to download all your favourite songs and/or playlists directly from spotify. A Spotify Premium account is required.
GitHub - squarebitchris/raindropio-to-obsidian: Sync Raindrop data into Obsidian
GitHub - gregordr/ImageStore: Open source google photos alternative!
GitHub - graphql-markdown/graphql-markdown: Flexible GraphQL Documentation Generator (Markdown)
GitHub - square/Valet: Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. Its easy. We promise.
GitHub - Granddave/en2jrnl: A journal converter from Evernote to Jrnl
GitHub - grafana/grafana: The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
Dmytro-Shulha/obsidian-css-snippets: Most common appearance solutions for Obsidian now in a single place. Initially collected by Klaas:
GitHub - sproogen/modern-resume-theme: A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.