GitHub - noahbuscher/inspire: Collection of frontend dev and web design links
GitHub - nmattisson/DropdownMenu: DropdownMenu is an iOS navigation controller using a Container View, storyboards and segues.
GitHub YalantisContextMenuiOS You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app
You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app YalantisContextMenuiOS
GitHub - nitinthewiz/pyDayOne: A cross-platform python app to show your Day One entries and let you make new ones. Tested in Windows.
GitHub - Nitin-Sharma-coder/textry: A very handy online text tool where you can change between lower case and upper case letters, capitalize, uncapitalize and remove extra spaces from your text
GitHub yahooAppDevKit AppDevKit is an iOS development library that provides developers with useful features to fulfill their everyday iOS app development needs
AppDevKit is an iOS development library that provides developers with useful features to fulfill their everyday iOS app development needs yahooAppDevKit
GitHub - NidhiiK/Text-Tool: Text-Tool is an app which allows the user to perform multiple text-editing functions, such as making the full-text capital or small case, removing extra spaces between words, copying, and deleting the text. . Also tells reading time of the text , number of words and characters.
GitHub - nicolargo/glances: Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.
GitHub yurnextcloudzabbix With this tamplate you can monitor a nextcloud via the xml file
With this tamplate you can monitor a nextcloud via the xml file yurnextcloudzabbix
GitHub - nico-castell/PopOS-Setup: A script to set up Pop!_OS in the best way possible
GitHub - Nick-Gottschlich/Social-Amnesia: Forget the past. Social Amnesia makes sure your social media accounts only show your posts from recent history, not from "that phase" 5 years ago.
GitHub xyvsvisualtree A tool that allows you to visualize and interact with the output of your tree command
A tool that allows you to visualize and interact with the output of your tree command xyvsvisualtree
GitHub - NicholasMamo/multiplex-plot: Multiplex: visualizations that tell storiesA Python library to create and annotate beautiful network graph visualizations, text visualizations and more.
GitHub - nhaouari/obsidian-textgenerator-plugin: Text generator is a handy plugin for Obsidian that helps you generate text content using GPT-3 (OpenAI).
GitHub xwmxnb CLI and local web plain text notetaking bookmarking and archiving with linking tagging filtering search Git versioning syncing Pandoc conversion more in a single portable script
CLI and local web plain text notetaking bookmarking and archiving with linking tagging filtering search Git versioning syncing Pandoc conversion more in a single portable script xwmxnb
GitHub - ngudbhav/lazyType: A Software to create aliases for commands, applications to type in cmd, terminal.
GitHub Zarcoliositedorks Search GoogleBingEcosiaDuckDuckGoYandexYahoo for a search term dork with a default set of websites bug bounty programs or custom collection
Search GoogleBingEcosiaDuckDuckGoYandexYahoo for a search term dork with a default set of websites bug bounty programs or custom collection Zarcoliositedorks
GitHub - nextcloud/weather: Weather app for Nextcloud
GitHub xperimentalnextcloudexporter Prometheus exporter for Nextcloud servers
Prometheus exporter for Nextcloud servers Contribute to xperimentalnextcloudexporter development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub - nextcloud/spreed: Nextcloud Talk chat, video & audio calls for Nextcloud
GitHub - nextcloud/social: Social can be used for work, or to connect to the fediverse!
GitHub xiaoluobodingchromewebbookmark Oneclick turn any link into a visual web bookmark and it looks Like Twitter cards or Notion web bookmark
Oneclick turn any link into a visual web bookmark and it looks Like Twitter cards or Notion web bookmark xiaoluobodingchromewebbookmark
GitHub - nextcloud/serverinfo: A monitoring app which creates a server info dashboard for admins
GitHub - nextcloud/richdocuments: Collabora Online for Nextcloud
GitHub xiaoluobodingbookmarkstyle Turn any link into a stylish visual web bookmark oneclick to copy the beautiful web bookmark image
Turn any link into a stylish visual web bookmark oneclick to copy the beautiful web bookmark image xiaoluobodingbookmarkstyle
GitHub - nextcloud/registration: User registration app for Nextcloud
GitHub - nextcloud/recognize: Smart media tagging for Nextcloud: recognizes faces, objects, landscapes, music genres
GitHub xbweiVisualizingSocialMediaData A set of visualization tools to help understand patterns and relationships of social media data
A set of visualization tools to help understand patterns and relationships of social media data xbweiVisualizingSocialMediaData
GitHub - nextcloud/previewgenerator: Nextcloud app to do preview generation
GitHub - nextcloud/photos: Your memories under your control