GitHub - blacklanternsecurity/spiderfoot-neo4j: Import, visualize, and analyze SpiderFoot scans in Neo4j, a graph database
GitHub - blacktop/ipsw: iOS/macOS Research Swiss Army Knife
GitHub - blopa/Resume-Builder: Resume Builder is a free open-source project that allows anyone to easily maintain and build any kind of resume.
GitHub - BolajiAyodeji/awesome-technical-writing: A curated list of awesome resources : articles, books, videos, tools, podcasts about technical writing
GitHub - bookmarks-tools/bookmarks-parser: Parses Firefox/Chrome HTML bookmarks files
GitHub - bookmarks-tools/bookmarks2db: examples of storing bookmarks data in a database (Neo4j, PostgreSQL using mptt and ltree)
GitHub - BooneJS/OhLife2DayOne: Convert OhLife entries to Day One
GitHub - bootandy/dust: A more intuitive version of du in rust
GitHub - Borewit/music-metadata: Stream and file based music metadata parser for node. Supporting a wide range of audio and tag formats.
GitHub - Botffy/ Chrome extension to display scrobbles in the Google Maps Timeline
GitHub - br3ndonland/udacity-fsnd: Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program (FSND) course materials
GitHub - brainynai/googlePhotosFlattener: I used Google takeout to get my photos, but I wanted to extract just the photos, eliminate duplicates, and flatten to a single folder.
GitHub - brandonlou/DayOne2Joplin: Convert notes from Day One to Joplin
GitHub - breakdance/breakdance: It's time for your markup to get down! HTML to markdown converter. Breakdance is a highly pluggable, flexible and easy to use.
GitHub - breck7/scroll: Tools for thought.
GitHub - brows3r/iPwn: A Framework meant for the exploitation of iOS devices.
GitHub - brraghav/simpleTools: This Repository is intended to create and maintain simple Tools that anyone can use without having to code. The tools can be as simple as extracting few keywords from text, but with lot of options and customizations.
GitHub - brunobritodev/awesome-github-stats: Show everyone how amazing you are! Stay motivated and display your total contributions and level on your GitHub profile README
GitHub - bryan1anderson/iMessage-to-Day-One-Importer: Grabs all the iMessages from Chat.db and begins an import into Day One App
GitHub - BubuAnabelas/awesome-markdown: Delightful Markdown stuff.
GitHub - Buza/OpenPhoto: OpenPhoto for iOS
GitHub - bxrlin/blossom-night-startpage: Aesthetic Startpage with Essential Bookmarks
GitHub - C0MPL3XDEV/E4GL30S1NT: E4GL30S1NT - Simple Information Gathering Tool
GitHub - C2DH/histograph: Neo4j powered web application for multimedia collections: bring graph-based exploration and crowd-based indexation.
GitHub - cadeyrn/bookmarks-organizer: With the Bookmarks Organizer it's easy to put order in your bookmarks. The Bookmarks Organizer finds no longer working bookmarks, redirects, duplicates and more!
The static site generator for Grav CMS
A static site generator made for MarkDown, HTML, JsonSchema, XMLSchema, and more
Releases athensresearch/athens
GitHub withfigautocomplete IDEstyle autocomplete for your existing terminal shell
IDEstyle autocomplete for your existing terminal shell withfigautocomplete
GitHub webiaioawesomemarkdown awesome markdown writing tools
awesome markdown writing tools Contribute to webiaioawesomemarkdown development by creating an account on GitHub