GitHub - nextcloud/registration: User registration app for Nextcloud
GitHub - nextcloud/recognize: Smart media tagging for Nextcloud: recognizes faces, objects, landscapes, music genres
GitHub - nextcloud/previewgenerator: Nextcloud app to do preview generation
GitHub - nextcloud/photos: Your memories under your control
GitHub - nextcloud/notify_push: Update notifications for nextcloud clients
GitHub - nextcloud/notifications: Notifications app for Nextcloud
GitHub - nextcloud/nextcloud-initial-state: Access data from the server-side initial state API within apps
GitHub - nextcloud/nextcloud-config-converter: This script converts the config.sample.php to RST code for the documentation
GitHub - nextcloud/logreader: Log reader for Nextcloud
GitHub - nextcloud/integration_twitter: Twitter integration into Nextcloud
GitHub - nextcloud/integration_reddit: Reddit integration into Nextcloud
GitHub zshuserszshautosuggestions Fishlike autosuggestions for zsh
Fishlike autosuggestions for zsh Contribute to zshuserszshautosuggestions development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub - nextcloud/integration_google: Google integration into Nextcloud
GitHub - nextcloud/integration_gitlab: GitLab integration into Nextcloud
GitHub zoonoozZFDragableModalTransition Custom animation transition for present modal view controller
Custom animation transition for present modal view controller zoonoozZFDragableModalTransition
GitHub - nextcloud/integration_github: GitHub integration into Nextcloud
GitHub - nextcloud/flow_notifications: Send notification action for Nextcloud Flow
GitHub zoniobsidianexport Rust library and CLI to export an Obsidian vault to regular Markdown
Rust library and CLI to export an Obsidian vault to regular Markdown zoniobsidianexport
GitHub - nextcloud/files_rightclick: Right click menu for Nextcloud
GitHub - nextcloud/external: Embed external sites in your Nextcloud
GitHub ZizhengYangCollectionObsidianTemplatesSnippets This is a document collecting or different Obsidian snippets how to write how to use and how to expand
This is a document collecting or different Obsidian snippets how to write how to use and how to expand ZizhengYangCollectionObsidianTemplatesSnippets
GitHub - nextcloud/cms_pico: Integrate Pico CMS and let your users manage their own websites
GitHub - nextcloud/circles: Create groups with other users on a Nextcloud instance and share with them
GitHub zipmeRQShineLabel Secret app like text animation
Secret app like text animation Contribute to zipmeRQShineLabel development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub - nextcloud/bookmarks: Bookmark app for Nextcloud
GitHub - Newdevprojects/publish: Obsidian notes
GitHub ZhaoUncleAwesomeHomepage Here is a curated list of outstanding projects with a focus on homepage homelab selfhosted startpage singlepage bookmark
Here is a curated list of outstanding projects with a focus on homepage homelab selfhosted startpage singlepage bookmark ZhaoUncleAwesomeHomepage
GitHub - neutraltone/awesome-stock-resources: A collection of links for free stock photography, video and Illustration websites
GitHub - netsession/regexSnippets: Regex Snippets
GitHub zerosoulgithubstarstats awesome GitHub repo star statistics generator
awesome GitHub repo star statistics generator Contribute to zerosoulgithubstarstats development by creating an account on GitHub