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Newest DynDNS over DNS DynDNS over DNS
A free, simple, client-less dynamic DNS alternative that uses the DNS protocol itself as the client mechanism to provide unique benefits.
·· DynDNS over DNS
Polywork | The Collaboration Network
Polywork | The Collaboration Network
Discover opportunities to collaborate with other professionals - speak on podcasts, beta-test new apps, partner on side projects, and more. Youll never be bored again. Join today.
Polywork | The Collaboration Network
We serve fast and scalable informational images as badges for GitHub, Travis CI, Jenkins, WordPress and many more services. Use them to track the state of your projects, or for promotional purposes.
Dev Links
Dev Links
there might be situations where you need some tools but you cant find them so here is the solution a lot of them in this single place with their links and link to their docs
Dev Links
GitHub Next | Flat Data
GitHub Next | Flat Data
GitHub Next Project: Flat explores how to make it easy to work with data in git and GitHub, offering a simple pattern for bringing working datasets into your repositories and versioning them.
GitHub Next | Flat Data