jplattel/obsidian-clipper: A Chrome extension that easily clips selections to Obsidian
A Chrome extension that easily clips selections to Obsidian - GitHub - jplattel/obsidian-clipper: A Chrome extension that easily clips selections to Obsidian
isacmlee/csv-to-playlist: A Python script that converts .csv playlist files into a Spotify Playlist.
A Python script that converts .csv playlist files into a Spotify Playlist. - GitHub - isacmlee/csv-to-playlist: A Python script that converts .csv playlist files into a Spotify Playlist.
floccusaddon/floccus: Sync your bookmarks privately across browsers and devices
:cloud: Sync your bookmarks privately across browsers and devices - GitHub - floccusaddon/floccus: Sync your bookmarks privately across browsers and devices
six-ddc/plow: A high-performance HTTP benchmarking tool with real-time web UI and terminal displaying
A high-performance HTTP benchmarking tool with real-time web UI and terminal displaying - GitHub - six-ddc/plow: A high-performance HTTP benchmarking tool with real-time web UI and terminal displaying
edoardottt/awesome-hacker-search-engines: A curated list of awesome search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red Team operations, Bug Bounty and more
A curated list of awesome search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red Team operations, Bug Bounty and more - GitHub - edoardottt/awesome-hacker-search-engines: ...
themefisher/phantom: Phantom is an exciting professional Bootstrap resume template. Its exclusively crafted to convince employers in an impressive way.
Phantom is an exciting professional Bootstrap resume template. Its exclusively crafted to convince employers in an impressive way. - GitHub - themefisher/phantom: Phantom is an exciting profession...
supercodingninja/markdown-cv: This is a simple template to help you write your CV, in a readable markdown file; and use CSS to publish/print it. I got a lot of positive responses, concerning this format I chose to use for my CV. You can adjust/add some .gif, img, and social environments and contact. You can check out my adjustments in the deployed website, below:
This is a simple template to help you write your CV, in a readable markdown file; and use CSS to publish/print it. I got a lot of positive responses, concerning this format I chose to use for my C...
mmacneil/devfolio: A simple, responsive, single-page portfolio and resume for developers built with Bulma, Sass, Font Awesome and Flickity.
A simple, responsive, single-page portfolio and resume for developers built with Bulma, Sass, Font Awesome and Flickity. - GitHub - mmacneil/devfolio: A simple, responsive, single-page portfolio an...
rszamszur/pdf-resume-builder: Simple, stateless, single-page application for creating neat PDF resume from JSON data.
Simple, stateless, single-page application for creating neat PDF resume from JSON data. - GitHub - rszamszur/pdf-resume-builder: Simple, stateless, single-page application for creating neat PDF res...
welovedevs/react-ultimate-resume: A modern software developer resume built with React and JSONResume
A modern software developer resume built with React and JSONResume - GitHub - welovedevs/react-ultimate-resume: A modern software developer resume built with React and JSONResume
sneas/cv-template: An easy way to create HTML and PDF versions of your resume, and automatically host them on GitHub Pages.
An easy way to create HTML and PDF versions of your resume, and automatically host them on GitHub Pages. - GitHub - sneas/cv-template: An easy way to create HTML and PDF versions of your resume, an...
thehale/expressive-resume: A beautiful resume/cover letter LaTeX template pair that are extraordinarily easy to use.
A beautiful resume/cover letter LaTeX template pair that are extraordinarily easy to use. - GitHub - thehale/expressive-resume: A beautiful resume/cover letter LaTeX template pair that are extraord...
bedimcode/responsive-resume-cv-smith: Responsive Resume Cv Website Using HTML CSS And JavaScript
Responsive Resume Cv Website Using HTML CSS And JavaScript - GitHub - bedimcode/responsive-resume-cv-smith: Responsive Resume Cv Website Using HTML CSS And JavaScript
mikepqr/ Write your resume in Markdown, style it with CSS, output to HTML and PDF
Write your resume in Markdown, style it with CSS, output to HTML and PDF - GitHub - mikepqr/ Write your resume in Markdown, style it with CSS, output to HTML and PDF