GitHub - draveness/DKNightVersion: Manage Colors, Integrate Night/Multiple Themes. (Unmaintained)
GitHub - durgeshsamariya/awesome-github-profile-readme-templates: This repository contains best profile readme's for your reference.
GitHub - dvorka/mindforger: Thinking notebook and Markdown editor.
GitHub - dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks: Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
GitHub - edwardcodelab/bookmark2wiki: to send bookmark from browser to dokuwiki
GitHub - EdwardRutz/music-timeline-bullet-journal: Create your life's soundtrack by making a music timeline with the timeline-bullet-journal.
GitHub - efemkay/obsidian-modular-css-layout: CSS Layout hack for
GitHub - elmasse/nextein: A static site generator with markdown + react for Next.js
GitHub - Elyx0/instagram-inbox-api: Node.js web API for accessing Instagram private messages to couple with a frontend
GitHub - emacsmirror/dayone: Utility script for Day One
GitHub - emarkou/Audio-auto-tagging: Convolutional Neural Network for auto-tagging of audio clips on MagnaTagATune dataset
GitHub - erwinkramer/SoundCloud-Playlist-Sync: Improvement fork
GitHub - EshanTrivedi21/Git-CheatSheet: Your all in one Git, Github and Terminal Cheatsheet!
GitHub - Essux/Quantified-Self-Visualizations: Compilation of visualizations of data from daily life
GitHub - evilpenguin/SSLBypass: iOS SSL Pinning Bypass (iOS 8 - 14)
GitHub - fankijo/ncocc: Runs Nextclouds occ commands without the need to type "sudo -u www-data........"
GitHub - faroukx/obsidian-homepage: Obsidian homepage - Minimal and aesthetic template (with my unique features)
GitHub - feluelle/auto-markdown-badges: Auto-generated markdown badges.
GitHub - fezcode/bm: Bookmark Manager
GitHub - FHachez/obsidian-convert-url-to-iframe: Plugin for to convert a selected URL to an iframe.
GitHub - FlorianWoelki/obsidian-icon-folder: Simply add icons to your folders or files in Obsidian.
GitHub - Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher: Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins
GitHub - fokion/google_drive_extractor: Extract and migrate photos and videos when you takeout your data from Google
GitHub - fonsp/Pluto.jl: Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
GitHub - frutik/awesome-search: Awesome Search - this is all about the (e-commerce) search and its awesomeness
GitHub - FutureSharks/rpi-security: A security system written in python to run on a Raspberry Pi with motion detection and mobile notifications
GitHub - fwicht/TunesCloud: XSLT transformation to export iTunes playlists to Nextcloud/Owncloud Music app
GitHub - FWMSH/timelineViewer: Build interactive, multi-touch timelines using a spreadsheet
GitHub - ganesshkumar/obsidian-plugins-stats-ui: A tool to get plugin statistics of Obsidian plugin ecosystem.
GitHub - garyng/obsidian-temple: A plugin for templating in Obsidian, powered by Nunjucks.