GitHub - SergiX44/XBackBone: A lightweight file manager with full ShareX support and more
GitHub - sergey-pimenov/awesome-web-animation: A list of awesome web animation libraries, books, apps etc.
GitHub - karlicoss/ghexport: Export your Github activity: events, repositories, stars, etc.
GitHub - kapdap/freshrss-extensions: Unofficial FreshRSS extensions created by @Kapdap.
GitHub - kamranahmedse/github-pages-blog-action: Create good looking blog from your markdown files in a GitHub repository
GitHub - jonlabelle/ci-markdown: CI Markdown is a CodeIgniter library for parsing Markdown to HTML.
GitHub - junegunn/fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder
GitHub - jubalh/awesome-os: A list of operating systems and stuff
GitHub - jstrieb/urlpages: Create and view web pages stored entirely in the URL
GitHub - temidayoxyz/vCard: My portfolio website built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript
GitHub - SerenaKit/Santander: A new, enhanced File Manager for iOS devices
GitHub - sentriz/gonic: music streaming server / subsonic server API implementation
GitHub - sentialx/node-bookmarks-parser: Parses Chrome HTML bookmarks files
GitHub - selimrbd/py-obsidianmd: Python utilities for the personal knowledge management tool "Obsidian"
GitHub - JoyGhoshs/FbBruteforcer: Facebook Bruteforce python Script You Can Use It In Windows If You Have Python 2.7 installed On Your Windows also You Can Use It in Kali linux
GitHub - TebbaaX/GRecon: Another version of katana, more automated but less stable. the purpose of this small tool is to run a Google based passive recon against your scope.
GitHub - joshbrunty/SMS.db-to-CSV: Converts the iOS SMS.db to CSV output
GitHub - girishgr8/Resume-Builder: Creating a resume is a bit tedious task for any working professional from any industry. One has to keep it short, simple, and with the latest work experience. This Resume Builder project will help to build your resume-builder by auto-generating it on your own and helping working professionals with the same using ReactJS and NodeJS frameworks.
GitHub - github-actions-x/hugo: Build you site with Hugo
GitHub - sejaldua/lyrical-sentiment-analysis: Using Spotify API to obtain audio feature data and lyrics and Tableau to produce sick visualizations.
GitHub - seemoo-lab/opendrop: An open Apple AirDrop implementation written in Python
GitHub - secure-77/Perlite: A web-based markdown viewer optimized for Obsidian
GitHub - secretGeek/AwesomeCSV: A curated list of awesome tools for dealing with CSV.
GitHub - sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit: Some useful websites for programmers.
GitHub - scriptzteam/ In memoriam of Webby (1992-2022). May you rest in peace. Life is sometime strange, you have to keep fighting!
GitHub - scriptingislife/Awesome-Custom-Search-Engines: A collection of custom search engines that can be used in the address bar to speed up workflow.
GitHub - scriptify/thesoundofus: Connect your Google Photos and Spotify Account, select a photo album and a Spotify playlist, and the web app will create an interactive photo album with music from the time the photo was taken. Intended as a Christmas present.