GitHub - JohannesKaufmann/html-to-markdown: Convert HTML to Markdown. Even works with entire websites and can be extended through rules.
GitHub - get-icon/geticon: Web / IT project stack / tool / technique icon / logo collection & markdown / HTML generator
GitHub - jnmcfly/awesome-startpage: This is a carefully compiled list of remarkable projects with the focus on startpages.
tanepiper/obsidian-garden: A knowledge management garden for, in which to grow your ideas
GitHub - jmathai/elodie: An EXIF-based photo assistant, organizer, manager and workflow automation tool.
GitHub - jlevy/the-art-of-command-line: Master the command line, in one page
GitHub - tamland/airsonic-refix: Modern UI for Airsonic / Subsonic
GitHub - SerenaKit/Santander: A new, enhanced File Manager for iOS devices
GitHub - sentriz/gonic: music streaming server / subsonic server API implementation
GitHub - sentialx/node-bookmarks-parser: Parses Chrome HTML bookmarks files
GitHub - selimrbd/py-obsidianmd: Python utilities for the personal knowledge management tool "Obsidian"
GitHub - jimbrig/KaaS: KaaS - Knowledge as a Service
GitHub - tadashi-aikawa/obsidian-various-complements-plugin: This plugin for Obsidian enables you complete words like the auto-completion of IDE.
GitHub - jesperancinha/markdowner: Markdowner is a parser project exclusively made for mardown files.
GitHub - JeffCarpenter/export-stars: Export (your) GitHub stars to a CSV file
GitHub - jekyll/jekyll-admin: A Jekyll plugin that provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface to author content and administer Jekyll sites.
GitHub - szymboro/weboasis: Fork of
GitHub - jbh-cloud/spotify_sync: A schedulable, configurable CLI downloader for Spotify accounts
GitHub - jeffreytse/jekyll-deploy-action: A Github Action to deploy the Jekyll site conveniently for GitHub Pages.
GitHub - symkat/MarkdownSite: Create a website from a git repository in one click
GitHub - FHachez/obsidian-convert-url-to-iframe: Plugin for to convert a selected URL to an iframe.
GitHub - Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher: Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins
GitHub - sejaldua/lyrical-sentiment-analysis: Using Spotify API to obtain audio feature data and lyrics and Tableau to produce sick visualizations.
GitHub - seemoo-lab/opendrop: An open Apple AirDrop implementation written in Python
GitHub - secure-77/Perlite: A web-based markdown viewer optimized for Obsidian
GitHub - secretGeek/AwesomeCSV: A curated list of awesome tools for dealing with CSV.
GitHub - sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit: Some useful websites for programmers.
GitHub - scriptzteam/ In memoriam of Webby (1992-2022). May you rest in peace. Life is sometime strange, you have to keep fighting!
GitHub - scriptingislife/Awesome-Custom-Search-Engines: A collection of custom search engines that can be used in the address bar to speed up workflow.
GitHub - scriptify/thesoundofus: Connect your Google Photos and Spotify Account, select a photo album and a Spotify playlist, and the web app will create an interactive photo album with music from the time the photo was taken. Intended as a Christmas present.