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JP Simard - Swift Developer
JP Simard - Swift Developer
tl;dr; Implementing SwiftLint using SwiftSyntax instead of SourceKitten would make it run over 20x slower Update: Since writing this post, I learnt
JP Simard - Swift Developer
Julius Busecke
Julius Busecke
Julius Busecke is an Associate Research Scientist, studying Oceanography with a focus on oceanic eddy mixing and biogechemistry.
Julius Busecke
Kamil Ogorek
Kamil Ogorek
Software development passionate mainly focused on client-side technologies. Currently working as Software Engineer at Sentry. Weightlifter, powerlifter, training and nutrition geek.
Kamil Ogorek
Kenny Kerr
Kenny Kerr
Creator of C++/WinRT and the Windows crate for Rust Engineer on the Windows team at Microsoft Romans 1:16
Kenny Kerr
Keon's Blog
Keon's Blog
A blog about deep learning, reinforcement learning, distributed computing and web technologies.
Keon's Blog
A millennial doing stuff on internet that ships software every day and builds digital products.