JP Simard - Swift Developertl;dr; Implementing SwiftLint using SwiftSyntax instead of SourceKitten would make it run over 20x slower Update: Since writing this post, I learnt#dev sites#socialmedia··Sep 1, 2022JP Simard - Swift Developer
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Julien SchmidtJulien Schmidt - Backend Engineer, Go Developer, Computer Science Student in Munich#dev sites#socialmedia··Sep 1, 2022Julien Schmidt
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Kenny KerrCreator of C++/WinRT and the Windows crate for Rust Engineer on the Windows team at Microsoft Romans 1:16#dev sites#socialmedia··Sep 1, 2022Kenny Kerr
Kent C. DoddsCome check out how Kent C. Dodds can help you level up your career as a software engineer.#dev sites#socialmedia··Sep 1, 2022Kent C. Dodds
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Kevin Chappell Web ConsultantKevin Chappell Web Consultant#dev sites#socialmedia··Sep 1, 2022Kevin Chappell Web Consultant
KikobeatsA millennial doing stuff on internet that ships software every day and builds digital products.#dev sites#socialmedia··Sep 1, 2022Kikobeats
Kishikawa Katsumi - iOS Developer#dev sites#socialmedia··Sep 1, 2022Kishikawa Katsumi - iOS Developer
Krasimir Tsonev - developer with over 15 years of experienceKrasimir Tsonev - developer with over 10 years of experience#dev sites#socialmedia··Sep 1, 2022Krasimir Tsonev - developer with over 15 years of experience
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