Chris Lalancette
Christian Oliff
Online Adventures of a Front-End Web Developer
Clare Macrae
Cloud API Management & Microservices Connectivity Platform | Kong
Kong is the cloud connectivity company for API & Microservice management. Our platform unifies API gateway, Ingress, and Service Mesh in one developer solution.
Cloud Researcher
Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory, ETRI
Code Poets - Software Development for Blockchain and Bioinformatics
Code Poets is a team of experts in software development for life science, bioinformatics, and cheminformatics companies, with vast blockchain expertise.
Bursts of code to power through your day. Web Development articles, tutorials, and news.
Cole Bemis
Building things for people who build things. Design Systems Engineer at GitHub. Living in San Francisco, CA.
Colin McDonnell @colinhacks
Founder of Bagel Health, creator of Zod, open-sourcer, poptimist, movie buff. Wanna go to Taco Bell?
Connor Clark
Connor Peet
Learn how to build a personal website using Next.js
Connor Tumbleson
Hi, I'm Connor Tumbleson, I blog weekly, maintain Apktool, work at Sourcetoad and speak at events around Florida.
Costa Huangs Website
Notablog can generate a blog from a Notion table
Crunchy Development
Making your Swift code more fun magical and crunchier
A language for humans and computers
ctrlc a friendly interruption
ctrlc a friendly interruption
CyberUni YouTube
Anything about programming engineering and gaming
Daishi Kato's blog
Daisuke Maki Medium
Read writing from Daisuke Maki on Medium. Go/perl hacker; author of peco; works @ Mercari; ex-mastermind of builderscon; Proud father of three boys;. Every day, Daisuke Maki and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
Damian Edwards (@DamianEdwards) / Twitter
Damodar Lohani | Mentor, Trainer & Tech Consultantr | Damodar Lohani
Description will go into a meta tag in
Daniel Agar (
Daniel D. Sjoberg
Daniel Marti -
Personal site of Daniel Marti
Daniel Rosenwasser (@drosenwasser) / Twitter