Armon Dadgar (@armon) / Twitter
Arman Bilge
Arkadii Ivanov (@arkann1985) / Twitter
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AppleBOY AppleBOY
AppleBOY AppleBOY
Martin Atkins
Ponderer. Investigator. Maker.
Learn In-Demand Skills. Get Hired. Advance Your Career. | Zero To Mastery
Stop wasting time on boring, outdated tutorials. Join 750,000+ students learning in-demand skills & getting hired at companies like Apple, Google, Amazon, Tesla & Shopify.
Andy zhang a7bb9676
Andy's Blog
Hi there!
Welcome! Im Fernando Cejas, Head of Engineering @TignumEng, former Director of Mobile @Wire, @SoundCloud Alumni, former @IBM Developer Advocate and @Tuenti Alumni. Im a geek/nerd, huge fan of Mobile Development, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing and Software Engineering in general. Here I share my experiences and expose my ideas but all views, posts and opinions are my own.
The Dragon Code
The Dragon Code Ecosystem for web-developers
Andrew Lock | .NET Escapades
Hi, my name is Andrew, or Sock to most people. This blog is where I share my experiences as I journey into ASP.NET Core.
evcc Sonne tanken PVUberschussladen fur steuerbare Wallboxen
evcc ermoglicht es Elektrofahrzeuge mit moglichst viel selbsterzeugtem Solarstrom zu laden
Amin Alaee
Alvaro Trigo | Portfolio
Alvaro Trigo porfolio. Here you can take a look at some of my works on web programming, design and marketing.
Maruan Al-Shedivat
Alex Weininger
Fast Open-Source OLAP DBMS - ClickHouse
ClickHouse is a fast open-source column-oriented database management system that allows generating analytical data reports in real-time using SQL queries
Alex Eagle
Personal GitHub Pages
Alex Page
I lead multidisciplinary teams, build communities and create design systems with modern technology and thoughtful design.
Alex Gaynor
Hi, I'm Alex. I'm a software resilience engineer. I care about building systems that work. I've worked for the government, in the private sector, and on open source. I'm based in Washington, DC.
Alessandro Ros
Software and robotics engineer.
Nomic Foundation
GitHub - akaszynski/resume: Alex Kaszynski's Public Resume
Alex Kaszynski's Public Resume. Contribute to akaszynski/resume development by creating an account on GitHub.
More thoughts from a member of the Entity Framework team.