The ephemera of Nicolas Gallagher
n1ru4l - Overview
n1ru4l has 218 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Michael Waskom PhD About
Michael Waskom PhD About
Daniel Marti -
Personal site of Daniel Marti
fribbledom's Journal
Geek, Gopher, Software Developer, Maker, Opensource Advocate, Tech Enthusiast, Photographer, Board and Card Gamer.
Updates about my life and what I learn about creating software
mstoykov - Overview
mstoykov has 113 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Home Mark Saroufim
My personal blog
Thorsten Ball About me
Thorsten Ball About me
Raible Designs | Enterprise Open Source Consulting
Raible Designs is an Enterprise Open Source Consulting company. We specialize in UI and Full Stack Architectures using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and Java. We love HTML5, Angular, Bootstrap, Spring Boot and especially JHipster.
Mike Perham
Ruby, OSS and the Internet
Volodymyr Agafonkin
Software engineer open source enthusiast rock musician father of twin girls Ukrainian
Sync your .env files
Sync your .env files, quickly & securely
Magnum Engine
Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
A blog about software testing, iOS development, automation, and productivity.
Miguel Solorio (@miguelsolorio_) / Twitter
Mislavs website
Mislav makes open source software
MishManners Links
Connect with MishManners, AKA the Hackathon Queen, on socials, find articles, see affiliates links, and more.
mingrammer's note
mingrammer's dev logs
Psychoinformatics Psychoinformatics
Miguel de Icaza
Miguel de Icaza's Blog
Michael Osthege
Timeline of Projects / CV