Klaus Post
Full Stack Developer and Entrepreneur | Paul Copplestone
Techie and entrepreneur
Kishikawa Katsumi - iOS Developer
Indoor Vivants
Kevin home page
Kevin Chappell Web Consultant
Kevin Chappell Web Consultant
Keon's Blog
A blog about deep learning, reinforcement learning, distributed computing and web technologies.
Ken Wheeler
Kent C. Dodds
Come check out how Kent C. Dodds can help you level up your career as a software engineer.
Kenny Kerr
Creator of C++/WinRT and the Windows crate for Rust Engineer on the Windows team at Microsoft Romans 1:16
Kenji miyake
Keith Smiley
kdy1 The way I think
kdy1 The way I think
Kazuho's Weblog
Learn to Code in Vienna - UpLeveled
Looking for a new path as a professional developer or an entrepreneur launching your own tech product? UpLeveled bootcamps and mentoring are here to help!
Kamil Ogorek
Software development passionate mainly focused on client-side technologies. Currently working as Software Engineer at Sentry. Weightlifter, powerlifter, training and nutrition geek.
Kadir nar
moxey.eth | Rainbow
Check it out
Lost in Technopolis
Musings on technology and other joyful subjects
justjavac (@justjavac) / Twitter
Old hopes retirement home
Vincent Muhler Medium
Read writing from Vincent Muhler on Medium. Bringing OpenCV to JavaScript Every day, Vincent Muhler and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
Julien Schmidt
Julien Schmidt - Backend Engineer, Go Developer, Computer Science Student in Munich
Julien Chaumond (@julien_c) / Twitter
Official Rex Isaac Raphael
Rex Isaac Raphael a senior fullstack web mobile developer with over 9 years experience
Blog - Jeremy Tuloup
Jesse Szwedko Jesse Szwedko
Blogging about Golang, continuous deployment, and whatever else I happen to be working on.