GitHub - hubert3/iSniff-GPS: Passive sniffing tool for capturing and visualising WiFi location data disclosed by iOS devices
GitHub - hulk66/timeline: Timeline - A photo organizer
GitHub - hundredrabbits/Themes: Simple Theme Framework
GitHub - husnainfareed/Awesome-Ethical-Hacking-Resources: All the resources I could find for learning Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing.
GitHub - hydecorp/hydejack: A boutique Jekyll theme for hackers, nerds, and academics
GitHub - Igglybuff/awesome-piracy-bot: Set of bots for scraping URLs from Discord, Telegram, Reddit, and IRC.
GitHub - Igglybuff/awesome-piracy: A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links
GitHub - ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet: A markdown version emoji cheat sheet
GitHub - iLLeniumStudios/awesome-list-generator: A tool that automatically populates a list of awesome repositories from a config that contains a list of users and some other configuration options
GitHub - imanzarrabian/StarsToRain: Simple Python script that exports all Github Stars for a given user into an HTML file importable by
GitHub - imfunniee/gitfolio: personal website + blog for every github user
GitHub - insidegui/VirtualBuddy: Virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon
GitHub - ishandeveloper/Portfolio: A fully responsive progressive web app that I'm currently working on which will contain an about section, showcase, contact etc.
GitHub - itech001/awesome-linux-resources: linux resources for the begainners and advanced users.
GitHub - itsdanni/MOMO_desktop: Journaling/note-taking app built on electron aspiring to be an open source Evernote/day-one
GitHub - ItsMeAbhishekRai/Termux-All-Packages-Install: All Packages Install On Termux In One Click
GitHub - IvanGlinkin/Fast-Google-Dorks-Scan: The OSINT project, the main idea of which is to collect all the possible Google dorks search combinations and to find the information about the specific web-site: common admin panels, the widespread file types and path traversal. The 100% automated.
GitHub - izderadicka/audioserve: Simple personal server to serve audiofiles files from folders. Intended primarily for audio books, but anything with decent folder structure will do.
GitHub - iziz/libPhoneNumber-iOS: iOS port from libphonenumber (Google's phone number handling library)
GitHub - J2TEAM/awesome-AutoIt: A curated list of awesome UDFs, example scripts, tools and useful resources for AutoIt.
GitHub - jackeyGao/dayone2PDF: Convert your dayone journal to pdf book.
GitHub - jaedb/Iris: Discover, explore and manage your music library across multiple sources with this beautiful web-based interface. Iris is a Mopidy frontend extension.
GitHub - jajosheni/N95: Personal Website template made in svelte. Repo got the name from Kendrick Lamar's song
GitHub - jamesgeorge007/github-activity-readme: Updates README with the recent GitHub activity of a user
GitHub - jancborchardt/nextcloud-scripts: Scripts to easier set up & update Nextcloud
GitHub - JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks: Awesome online talks and screencasts
GitHub - jaraen/TiAccurateTimer: An accurate iOS timer module for Titanium that improves the JavaScript setInterval and setTimeout functions. Valid for basic media applications and games.
GitHub - jason1105/mdtools: A little tools to edit markdown file. Such as adding tags, making footlinks.
GitHub - JastinXyz/ Free subdomain for everyone.
GitHub - jaywcjlove/markdown-to-html: Converts markdown text to HTML.