GitHub - smklancher/ExistExportToSQL: Import data into SQL Server
GitHub - SnShine/Twitter-to-DayOne: Fetches all your tweets of the day and makes a DayOne entry.
GitHub - SnShine/Wordpress-to-DayOne: Imports wordpress blog entries to DayOne journal
GitHub - software-made-easy/html2md: Simple and fast HTML to Markdown conversion library with table support
GitHub - soleaf/EvernoteToDayone2: Move notes from Evernote to DayOne2 on Mac
GitHub - Solido/awesome-flutter: An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
GitHub - sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi: Code. Music. Live.
GitHub - soulintzis/Google-maps-Location-Takeout-Visualizer: Crowdsourcing application using Google Timeline Data
GitHub - source-foundry/Hack: A typeface designed for source code
GitHub - soxoj/maigret-adapter: Connect Maigret with other tools
GitHub - spacedriveapp/spacedrive: Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
GitHub - SpaceVim/SpaceVim: A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution - The ultimate vimrc
GitHub - spencerkimball/stargazers: Analyze GitHub stars
GitHub - sphido/sphido: A rocket fast, light-weight and flexible static site generator.
GitHub - sproogen/modern-resume-theme: A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.
GitHub - square/Valet: Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. Its easy. We promise.
GitHub - squarebitchris/raindropio-to-obsidian: Sync Raindrop data into Obsidian
GitHub - squeek502/audiometa: An audio metadata/tag reading library written in Zig
GitHub - sramezani/resume-builder: Modern real-time design and 100% free resume builder.
GitHub - staniel359/muffon: Music streaming browser
GitHub - stefanbuck/awesome-browser-extensions-for-github: A collection of awesome browser extensions for GitHub.
GitHub - StefanoCecere/DayOne2Markdown: a script to export from Day One journal to md blog entries
GitHub - stevemao/awesome-git-addons: A curated list of add-ons that extend/enhance the git CLI.
GitHub - streetcomplete/StreetComplete: Easy to use OpenStreetMap editor for Android
GitHub - summitech/gitexplorer: Find the right git commands without digging through the web.
GitHub - Sungchul/DayOne.NET: Day One Journal for Windows(based on .net framework)
GitHub - sunilkumarvalmiki/Anonymous-Developemnt-Resources: this Repo contain's A list of useful development resources . . . .
GitHub - Super-Coding-Ninja-TM/markdown-cv: a simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.
GitHub - SupremacyXI/iRecord: A screen recorder for IOS 8
GitHub - sushil79g/Facebook-message-to-CSV-exporter: This script helps in producing the chat dataset(in csv format) of your facebook chat