GitHub - charmbracelet/gum: A tool for glamorous shell scripts
GitHub - CommitSans/obsidian-gitbook: A quick tool to publish an Obsidian Vault on GitBook
GitHub - nitinthewiz/pyDayOne: A cross-platform python app to show your Day One entries and let you make new ones. Tested in Windows.
GitHub - ColdGrub1384/CellMD: CellMD is an iOS Application for jailbroken devices to run shell commands.
GitHub - tamland/airsonic-refix: Modern UI for Airsonic / Subsonic
GitHub - colbyfayock/md-to-wp: Upload a directory of markdown files to WordPress
GitHub - NidhiiK/Text-Tool: Text-Tool is an app which allows the user to perform multiple text-editing functions, such as making the full-text capital or small case, removing extra spaces between words, copying, and deleting the text. . Also tells reading time of the text , number of words and characters.
GitHub - codewithsadee/vcard-personal-portfolio: vCard is a fully responsive personal portfolio website, responsive for all devices.
GitHub Z4nzuhackingtool ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers Contribute to Z4nzuhackingtool development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub - CodeEditApp/CodeEdit: CodeEdit App for macOS Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
GitHub - nico-castell/PopOS-Setup: A script to set up Pop!_OS in the best way possible
GitHub - codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x: Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
GitHub - tadashi-aikawa/obsidian-various-complements-plugin: This plugin for Obsidian enables you complete words like the auto-completion of IDE.
GitHub - cocktail-forensics/macCocktail: Parses forensic artifacts from macOS file systems
GitHub - NicholasMamo/multiplex-plot: Multiplex: visualizations that tell storiesA Python library to create and annotate beautiful network graph visualizations, text visualizations and more.
GitHub - ClementTsang/bottom: Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
GitHub - itsdanni/MOMO_desktop: Journaling/note-taking app built on electron aspiring to be an open source Evernote/day-one
GitHub - Ciphey/Ciphey: Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes
GitHub - ngudbhav/lazyType: A Software to create aliases for commands, applications to type in cmd, terminal.
GitHub - rahulbanerjee26/githubProfileReadmeGenerator: Generate a cool README/About me page for your Github Profile
GitHub - itech001/awesome-linux-resources: linux resources for the begainners and advanced users.
GitHub - causefx/Organizr: HTPC/Homelab Services Organizer - Written in PHP
GitHub - ishandeveloper/Portfolio: A fully responsive progressive web app that I'm currently working on which will contain an about section, showcase, contact etc.
GitHub - tvvocold/FOSS-for-Dev: A hub of Free and open-source software for developers
GitHub - rahul-jha98/github-stats-transparent: Automatically generate summary GitHub statistics images for your profile using Actions, no server required
GitHub - iSECPartners/jailbreak: Jailbreak
GitHub - iRaul/creative-portfolios: A curated list of Creative Portfolios
GitHub - RafaelGB/obsidian-db-folder: Obsidian Plugin to Allow Notion like database based on folders
GitHub - internetarchive/heritrix3: Heritrix is the Internet Archive's open-source, extensible, web-scale, archival-quality web crawler project.
GitHub - intentkit/IntentKit: An easier way to handle third-party URL schemes in iOS apps.