GitHub - neo-sh/neosh: A next-gen shell for modern systems (wip)
GitHub - Nekurone/PIG-Tools: An Online Collection of Open Source Intelligence Tools
GitHub - ndsamuelson/weboas-is: This is a copy of using his source code that he released on his death. RIP Webby.
GitHub - ndom91/briefkasten: Self hosted bookmarking app
GitHub - nbats/FMHYedit: Make changes to FMHY
GitHub - navidrome/navidrome: Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic
GitHub - navdeepsekhon/portfolio-generator: JS framework to dynamically generate a portfolio site from a JSON file
GitHub - nat-davydova/timeline: HTML/CSS/JS (ES6) Timeline experiment
GitHub - Naereen/badges: Markdown code for lots of small badges (, etc) . Contributions are welcome! Please add yours!
GitHub - n0shake/Public-APIs: A public list of APIs from round the web.
GitHub - myugan/awesome-linux-customization: An awesome list of customization tools for your UN*X/Linux desktop.
GitHub - myles/awesome-static-generators: A curated list of static web site generators.
GitHub - mxrch/GHunt: Offensive Google framework.
GitHub - mxamber/TimelineTool: Simple timeline creator implemented in HTML & JavaScript.
GitHub - mwaterfall/MWFeedParser: An Objective-C RSS / Atom Feed Parser for iOS
GitHub - MunGell/awesome-for-beginners: A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.
GitHub - muesli/readme-scribe: A GitHub Action that automatically generates & updates markdown content (like your
GitHub - muesli/duf: Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative
GitHub - mtalcott/google-photos-deduper-python: Locally run Python application to remove duplicates from Google Photos based on metadata
GitHub - mshossain110/LaravelDrive: Private file storage and share with user build with laravel and vue inspired by google drive
GitHub - mrmign/iOS-private-api-scanner: scan iOS private api
GitHub - mrjackphil/obsidian-text-expand: A simple text expand plugin for
GitHub - mProjectsCode/obsidian-media-db-plugin: A plugin that can query multiple APIs for movies, series, anime, games, music and wiki articles, and import them into your vault.
GitHub - mpfthprblmtq/moose: A music management system that reads and modifies id3 tags and stuff
GitHub - mpatric/mp3agic: A java library for reading mp3 files and reading / manipulating the ID3 tags (ID3v1 and ID3v2.2 through ID3v2.4).
GitHub - mountainstorm/MobileDevice: A python package, and command line tool, which wraps Apple's MobileDevice API - providing access to iOS devices.
GitHub - moul/awesome-ssh: A curated list of SSH resources.
GitHub - morisunshine/DayOne: Ruby Module to create Day One Journal entries
GitHub - MorganGeek/bookmarks: +5K awesome resources for geeks and software crafters