GitHub - lacunaverse/hawk: get a bird's eye view of you
GitHub - langfeld/FreshRSS-extensions: Add touch gestures to FreshRSS
GitHub - lavaalone/iControl: Control the iOS devices.
GitHub - learn-anything/curated-lists: Curated lists on various topics
GitHub - learn-anything/websites: Awesome Websites
GitHub - LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets: Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
GitHub - leonspok/TinyDayOne: Tiny Day One client app. Tiny because it offers you less opportunities than you expect.
GitHub - leviarista/github-profile-header-generator: A header image generator for your Github profile Readme
GitHub - lhaze/obsidian-github-formatter: Utility tool to reformat markdown files of an Obsidian Vault to be naturally readable via GitHub Web.
GitHub - liberodark/ODrive: Google Drive GUI for Windows / Mac / Linux
GitHub - lightory/HHRouter: Yet another URL Router for iOS.
GitHub - linyows/github-wiki-search: Search wiki of the repository on Github
GitHub - lorey/obsi: supercharge your note-taking with index pages, Anki decks, calendar pages, and more.
GitHub - louislam/uptime-kuma: A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
GitHub - luckymarmot/ThemeKit: macOS theming library
GitHub - lukekarrys/metalsmith-dayone-example: An example Metalsmith site built from Day One data.
GitHub - lutzroeder/netron: Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models
GitHub - lybekk/offPIM: Decentralized, Offline-first, Personal Information Manager (PIM) using PouchDB/CouchDB. Includes task-, note-, and contact-management, as well as journaling.
GitHub - mac4n6/APOLLO: Apple Pattern of Life Lazy Output'er
GitHub - machiav3lli/alt3rnative: Resources of knowledge and tools from and for the digital world.
GitHub - Macronius/day-one-clone: clone of the Day One journal app on iOS
GitHub - MadhuNimmo/awesome-reddit-channels: A list of Reddit channels every programmer should follow
GitHub - MaeglynD/bulk-modify: i hate google photos so god damn much
GitHub - maize-tech/laravel-markable: Integrate likes, bookmarks, favorites, reactions and custom made marks into your application
GitHub - makinacorpus/Leaflet.FileLayer: Loads files locally (GeoJSON, KML, GPX) as layers using HTML5 File API
GitHub - manasecurity/mana-security-app: macOS vulnerability management for individuals
GitHub - marcjulianschwarz/obsidian-file-link: A plugin for the note taking app Obsidian to add better external file links to your notes.
GitHub - marcobiedermann/search-engine-optimization: A helpful checklist/collection of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips and techniques.
GitHub - markodenic/web-development-resources: Awesome Web Development Resources.
GitHub - mashb1t/spotisights: statistic dashboards for Spotify