GitHub - shreeshjha/WebOas-is: This is the copy of famous WebOas-is using the resources provided by Webby...
GitHub - shravan20/github-readme-quotes: Dynamic quote generator for your GitHub readmes | Give a poetic touch to readmes
GitHub web0asisweb0asisgithubio Hi This is clone of Weboasis Dev posted about hisher suicide on the forum few days ago as sad it is I wanted to make sure their legacy stays online for everyone who used this awesome website I dont have much idea about website development so I just uploaded it as it is RIP Weeby 3
Hi This is clone of Weboasis Dev posted about hisher suicide on the forum few days ago as sad it is I wanted to make sure their legacy stays online for everyone who used this awesome website I dont have much idea about website development so I just uploaded it as it is RIP Weeby 3 web0asisweb0asisgithubio
GitHub - showdownjs/showdown: A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript
GitHub - Shopify/superdb: The Super Debugger, a realtime wireless debugger for iOS
GitHub wchorskiobsidiandeveloper tutorials set up self hosted routing tooling home lab etc
tutorials set up self hosted routing tooling home lab etc wchorskiobsidiandeveloper
GitHub - Shmoopi/iOS-System-Services: iOS System Services is a class to gather all available information about a device.
GitHub - shmilylty/OneForAll: OneForAll
GitHub - wchorski/nextjs-obsidian-publish: alternative to Obsidian Publish
GitHub - shinydevelopment/SimulatorStatusMagic: Clean up your status bar for taking screenshots on the iOS simulator.
GitHub - shinokada/dotties: Dotties is a simple dotfile management script. It saves specified dotfiles in the home directory to a secret Gist. I also can clone them from the Gist, and more.
GitHub - watsonbox/exportify: Export/Backup Spotify playlists using the Web API
GitHub - sheepla/pingu: ping command but with pingu
GitHub - ShazStar/privrepo: Personal Repo for Jailbreak needs.
GitHub - sharkdp/bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.
GitHub - shangril/crero: CMS for record labels, written to propel Crem Road records initially. Sell your physical releases at fixed price or in a "name your price" manner. Streaming or free download of online music. Digital music shop (alpha). Webradio streams. Instant chat with your visitors. Mailing list subscription requests.
GitHub - wardsquid/journal: Inkling is your journaling partner. It utilizes the latent data your phone collects throughout your day to build a journal entry that you can easily edit, save, and share with loved ones.
GitHub - shalvah/Free-for-students: Because software is expensive, money is elusive and piracy is...evil!
GitHub - shakedlokits/obsidian-bellboy: Opinionated file structure manager for the Obsidian knowledge base.
GitHub - wailsapp/wails: Create beautiful applications using Go
GitHub - shahednasser/awesome-resources: List of helpful resources added by the community for the community!
GitHub - Shabinder/SpotiFlyer: Kotlin Multiplatform Music Downloader, Supports Spotify / Gaana / Youtube Music / Jio Saavn / SoundCloud. NOTE: BEING REWRITTEN, SO STAY TUNED.
GitHub - W00t3k/Awesome-Cellular-Hacking: Awesome-Cellular-Hacking
GitHub - shaarli/netscape-bookmark-parser: PHP library to parse Netscape bookmark files
GitHub - serogbp/startpage-react: Kanban-like bookmark manager
GitHub - vuejs/vitepress: Vite & Vue powered static site generator.
GitHub - SergiX44/XBackBone: A lightweight file manager with full ShareX support and more
GitHub - sergey-pimenov/awesome-web-animation: A list of awesome web animation libraries, books, apps etc.