GitHub - morisunshine/DayOne: Ruby Module to create Day One Journal entries
GitHub - soxoj/maigret-adapter: Connect Maigret with other tools
GitHub - mopidy/mopidy: Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python
GitHub xbweiVisualizingSocialMediaData A set of visualization tools to help understand patterns and relationships of social media data
A set of visualization tools to help understand patterns and relationships of social media data xbweiVisualizingSocialMediaData
GitHub - monizb/vscode-regex-snippets: Official repository for Regular Expression Snippets Extension on VSCode
GitHub - soulintzis/Google-maps-Location-Takeout-Visualizer: Crowdsourcing application using Google Timeline Data
mokeyish/obsidian-enhancing-export: This is an enhancing export plugin base on Pandoc for Obsidian ( ). It's allow you to export to formats like Markdown、Markdown (Hugo )、Html、docx、Latex etc.
GitHub - scriptify/nextcloud-music-folder-sync: Syncs your folder structure into NextCloud Music Playlists
GitHub - moimikey/awesome-devtools: A curated list of in-browser bookmarklets, tools, and resources for modern full-stack software engineers.
GitHub - Solido/awesome-flutter: An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
GitHub - moe-k/GoogleTakeout: Script to reorganize photos and videos taken from Google Photos takeout download
GitHub wyattharrelllinkbook Linkbook is a powerful linksaving web app that can store your favorite links keep you organized and much more
Linkbook is a powerful linksaving web app that can store your favorite links keep you organized and much more GitHub wyattharrelllinkbook Linkbook is a powerful linksaving web app that can store your favorite links keep you organized and much more
GitHub - mnrkbys/ma2tl: macOS forensic timeline generator using the analysis result DBs of mac_apt
GitHub - software-made-easy/html2md: Simple and fast HTML to Markdown conversion library with table support
GitHub - vkarampinis/awesome-icons: A curated list of awesome Web Font Icons
GitHub - scraggo/bookmarks-markdown-utils: Collection of command-line tools for Chrome, OneTab, Evernote, and FireFox bookmark management. The tools are mostly to convert proprietary formats to markdown and organizing and add tags.
GitHub - miziomon/awesome-wordpress: A curated list of amazingly awesome WordPress resources, themes, plugins and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-php.
GitHub - SnShine/Twitter-to-DayOne: Fetches all your tweets of the day and makes a DayOne entry.
GitHub - mixi-inc/iOSTraining: Training course repository for iOS app development
GitHub WorldBrainMemex Browser extension to curate annotate and discuss the most valuable content and ideas on the web As individuals teams and communities
Browser extension to curate annotate and discuss the most valuable content and ideas on the web As individuals teams and communities WorldBrainMemex
GitHub - scottschiller/SoundManager2: A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. BSD licensed.
GitHub - vitorgalvao/custom-alfred-iterm-scripts: AppleScript for iTerm2 Alfred integration.
GitHub - ScotterC/Momento3toDayOne2Importer: Small script to make importing data from Momento Journal to DayOne 2 easy
GitHub - scmbreeze/scm_breeze: Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
GitHub - vitalysim/Awesome-Hacking-Resources: A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
GitHub - scaffdog/scaffdog: scaffdog is Markdown driven scaffolding tool.
GitHub - sawankumar/Google-Drive-Index: A Google Drive Index Running on CloudFlare Workers.
GitHub - visini/obsidian-icons-plugin: Add icons to your Obsidian notes Experimental Obsidian Plugin
GitHub - saulpw/visidata: A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data
GitHub - Satyam1203/resume-github: Generate a Resume of your Github Profile using your username.