GitHub - SilentCircle/iap-local-receipt: Python library to do local server-side verification of iOS App Store receipts
GitHub - mattd/google-photos-downloader: Downloads photos from Google Photos.
GitHub WebBreacheryoga Your OSINT Graphical Analyzer
Your OSINT Graphical Analyzer Contribute to WebBreacheryoga development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub - MattbookPro/ Log your Top Weekly Artists and Tracks to your Day One journal
GitHub - masonlr/obsidian-starter-templates: Starter templates for
GitHub - shreeshjha/WebOas-is: This is the copy of famous WebOas-is using the resources provided by Webby...
GitHub - marktext/marktext: A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
GitHub web0asisweb0asisgithubio Hi This is clone of Weboasis Dev posted about hisher suicide on the forum few days ago as sad it is I wanted to make sure their legacy stays online for everyone who used this awesome website I dont have much idea about website development so I just uploaded it as it is RIP Weeby 3
Hi This is clone of Weboasis Dev posted about hisher suicide on the forum few days ago as sad it is I wanted to make sure their legacy stays online for everyone who used this awesome website I dont have much idea about website development so I just uploaded it as it is RIP Weeby 3 web0asisweb0asisgithubio
GitHub - MarkMindCkm/obsidian-markmind: A mind map, outline and pdf annotate tool for obsidian,It support mobile and desktop
GitHub - showdownjs/showdown: A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript
GitHub - marcobiedermann/search-engine-optimization: A helpful checklist/collection of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips and techniques.
GitHub - scriptify/nextcloud-music-folder-sync: Syncs your folder structure into NextCloud Music Playlists
GitHub - marcelscruz/dev-resources: A collaborative list of resources for developers
GitHub - Shmoopi/iOS-System-Services: iOS System Services is a class to gather all available information about a device.
GitHub - mapbox/csv2geojson: magically convert csv files to geojson files
GitHub - wchorski/nextjs-obsidian-publish: alternative to Obsidian Publish
GitHub - manasecurity/mana-security-app: macOS vulnerability management for individuals
GitHub - shinydevelopment/SimulatorStatusMagic: Clean up your status bar for taking screenshots on the iOS simulator.
GitHub - vkarampinis/awesome-icons: A curated list of awesome Web Font Icons
GitHub - scraggo/bookmarks-markdown-utils: Collection of command-line tools for Chrome, OneTab, Evernote, and FireFox bookmark management. The tools are mostly to convert proprietary formats to markdown and organizing and add tags.
GitHub - scottschiller/SoundManager2: A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. BSD licensed.
GitHub - vitorgalvao/custom-alfred-iterm-scripts: AppleScript for iTerm2 Alfred integration.
GitHub - ScotterC/Momento3toDayOne2Importer: Small script to make importing data from Momento Journal to DayOne 2 easy
GitHub - scmbreeze/scm_breeze: Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
GitHub - vitalysim/Awesome-Hacking-Resources: A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
GitHub - scaffdog/scaffdog: scaffdog is Markdown driven scaffolding tool.
GitHub - sawankumar/Google-Drive-Index: A Google Drive Index Running on CloudFlare Workers.
GitHub - visini/obsidian-icons-plugin: Add icons to your Obsidian notes Experimental Obsidian Plugin
GitHub - saulpw/visidata: A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data
GitHub - Satyam1203/resume-github: Generate a Resume of your Github Profile using your username.