GitHub - Linbreux/wikmd: A file based wiki that uses markdown
GitHub - sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit: Some useful websites for programmers.
GitHub - lightory/HHRouter: Yet another URL Router for iOS.
GitHub - kikiklang/pomme-page: Big buttons with easy click startpage for a browser.
GitHub - leviarista/github-profile-header-generator: A header image generator for your Github profile Readme
GitHub - scraggo/bookmarks-markdown-utils: Collection of command-line tools for Chrome, OneTab, Evernote, and FireFox bookmark management. The tools are mostly to convert proprietary formats to markdown and organizing and add tags.
GitHub - leonspok/TinyDayOne: Tiny Day One client app. Tiny because it offers you less opportunities than you expect.
GitHub - lhaze/obsidian-github-formatter: Utility tool to reformat markdown files of an Obsidian Vault to be naturally readable via GitHub Web.
GitHub - scriptify/nextcloud-music-folder-sync: Syncs your folder structure into NextCloud Music Playlists
GitHub - lev-kochergin/levboard: A integration for building custom charts.
GitHub - vkarampinis/awesome-icons: A curated list of awesome Web Font Icons
GitHub - scottschiller/SoundManager2: A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. BSD licensed.
GitHub - leibniz-zmt/files_metadataeditor: A Nextcloud app for annotating research data with metadata
GitHub - LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets: Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
GitHub - learn-anything/websites: Awesome Websites
GitHub - vitorgalvao/custom-alfred-iterm-scripts: AppleScript for iTerm2 Alfred integration.
GitHub - ScotterC/Momento3toDayOne2Importer: Small script to make importing data from Momento Journal to DayOne 2 easy
GitHub - learn-anything/curated-lists: Curated lists on various topics
GitHub - lavaalone/iControl: Control the iOS devices.
GitHub - scmbreeze/scm_breeze: Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
GitHub - langfeld/FreshRSS-extensions: Add touch gestures to FreshRSS
GitHub - lacunaverse/hawk: get a bird's eye view of you
GitHub - vitalysim/Awesome-Hacking-Resources: A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
GitHub - scaffdog/scaffdog: scaffdog is Markdown driven scaffolding tool.
GitHub - Lackoftactics/facebook_data_analyzer: Analyze facebook copy of your data with ruby language. Download zip file from facebook and get info about friends ranking by message, vocabulary, contacts, friends added statistics and more
GitHub - sawankumar/Google-Drive-Index: A Google Drive Index Running on CloudFlare Workers.
GitHub - Kwaadpepper/Omen: Yet another Laravel file manager
GitHub - visini/obsidian-icons-plugin: Add icons to your Obsidian notes Experimental Obsidian Plugin
GitHub - saulpw/visidata: A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data