GitHub - visini/obsidian-icons-plugin: Add icons to your Obsidian notes Experimental Obsidian Plugin
GitHub - saulpw/visidata: A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data
GitHub - kstenerud/iOS-Universal-Framework: An XCode project template to build universal frameworks (arm7, arm7s, and simulator) for iOS / iPhone.
GitHub - kshigeyama/mdImportDayOne: MarkDown ( and other text files ) import DayOne Journal bash Script
GitHub - Satyam1203/resume-github: Generate a Resume of your Github Profile using your username.
GitHub - krzysztofzablocki/PropertyMapper: Property mapping for Objective-C iOS apps.
GitHub - krzysztofzablocki/Bootstrap: iOS project bootstrap aimed at high quality coding.
GitHub - vishnugopal/bookmarks-to-obsidian: Syncs Netscape bookmarks.html to Markdown files for use in Obsidian
GitHub - SaraVieira/obsidian-notes-publish-plugin: An Obsidian plugin to publish your notes
GitHub - KRTirtho/spotube: A lightweight free Spotify crossplatform-client which handles playback manually, streams music using Youtube & no Spotify premium account is needed
GitHub - krrish-v/mark_importer: Provide a category for all the imported bookmarks, makes easy to manage by using a AI model
GitHub - sanvishal/wrighter: Wrighter - A Powerful Markdown Blogger & A Writing Companion | write the (w)right way
GitHub - krantiparida/awesome-audio-visual: A curated list of different papers and datasets in various areas of audio-visual processing
GitHub - Virgile-fr/Raindrop-HomePage: Raindrop HomePage is a minimalist interface to display your bookmarks marked as favorites. This application is not intended to replicate the interface of
GitHub - sanvishal/Exoplanet-Explore: An Interactive data visualization of Exoplanets
GitHub - kraanzu/termtyper: A typing application to level up your fingers!
GitHub - kormyen/memex: Simple bookmarks and notes
GitHub - santwer/BearSchedule: Simple and clear project management tool. With which it is possible to display one or more projects graphically.
GitHub - konhi/obsidian-community-list: updated list of community themes & plugins for!
GitHub - Kollate/truegit-test: A sample blog powered by Truegit
GitHub - viperadnan-git/gdtot-bypasser: A web scraper to convert GDToT links to Google Drive and direct download links
GitHub - salomonelli/best-resume-ever: Build fast and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS.
GitHub - koel/koel: A personal music streaming server that works.
GitHub - koekeishiya/yabai: A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
GitHub - salahineo/bookmarks-manager: Bookmarks Manager For Your Links
GitHub - kodestudio/neon: Simple static site generator (not sure) for display the repository's (GitHub) events on a timeline.
GitHub - kochrt/markwhen: Make a cascading timeline from markdown-like text. Supports simple American/European date styles, ISO8601, images, links, locations, and more.
GitHub - violethaze74/nextcloud-webhooks: Webhooks app for Nextcloud
GitHub - sadanandpai/resume-builder: Build a standard and professional single page resume