GitHub - qawatake/obsidian-core-search-assistant-plugin: An Obsidian plugin to enhance built-in search: keyboard interface, card preview, bigger preview
GitHub - JeffCarpenter/export-stars: Export (your) GitHub stars to a CSV file
GitHub - JeelGajera/resume-builder: Resume-Builder React Web Application
GitHub - Py-Contributors/awesomeScripts: A Collection of Awesome Scripts in Python to Ease Daily-Life. Create an issue If you have some great ideas for the new script. Leave a
GitHub - jeanphix/ Webkit based scriptable web browser for python.
GitHub - jbwhaley/DayOne-Quick: A simple workflow for Alfred 2 which facilitates dead-quick addition of entries to
GitHub - jbwhaley/Clip-To-Day-One: An OS X system service that sends selected text to a new Day One entry.
GitHub - jbhuang0604/awesome-computer-vision: A curated list of awesome computer vision resources
GitHub xiaoluobodingbookmarkstyle Turn any link into a stylish visual web bookmark oneclick to copy the beautiful web bookmark image
Turn any link into a stylish visual web bookmark oneclick to copy the beautiful web bookmark image xiaoluobodingbookmarkstyle
GitHub - thephpleague/html-to-markdown: Convert HTML to Markdown with PHP
GitHub - jbh-cloud/spotify_sync: A schedulable, configurable CLI downloader for Spotify accounts
GitHub - jaywcjlove/markdown-to-html: Converts markdown text to HTML.
GitHub - pushkarydv/public-apis-api: list of 1400+ apis their documentation, properties and a lot more all divided into 50+ cateogories all this data just a api call away
GitHub - jastribl/photosync: Util to do things with Google Photos
GitHub - JastinXyz/ Free subdomain for everyone.
GitHub - Jasonette/JASONETTE-iOS: Native App over HTTP, on iOS
GitHub - jason1105/mdtools: A little tools to edit markdown file. Such as adding tags, making footlinks.
GitHub - puikinsh/Adminator-admin-dashboard: Adminator is easy to use and well design admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 5 for web apps, websites, services and more
GitHub - jaraen/TiAccurateTimer: An accurate iOS timer module for Titanium that improves the JavaScript setInterval and setTimeout functions. Valid for basic media applications and games.
GitHub - JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks: Awesome online talks and screencasts
GitHub - Hallcoder/resume-builder: Awesome resume-builder coming at rescue for all these paid resume-builders out there
GitHub xbweiVisualizingSocialMediaData A set of visualization tools to help understand patterns and relationships of social media data
A set of visualization tools to help understand patterns and relationships of social media data xbweiVisualizingSocialMediaData
GitHub - janloeffler/import-day-one: WordPress plugin for importing entries from Day One export file