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GitHub - hrshainik/bookmark-manager: Here you can bookmark your favourite website links and this links stored in local storage that's why you find this bookmarks any time it's won't vanish.#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - hrshainik/bookmark-manager: Here you can bookmark your favourite website links and this links stored in local storage that's why you find this bookmarks any time it's won't vanish.
GitHub - Hossman333/DayOne-Find-And-Replace: Find and replace text for Day One JSON exports.#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - Hossman333/DayOne-Find-And-Replace: Find and replace text for Day One JSON exports.
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GitHub - honcheng/iOSPlot: Chart library for iOS#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - honcheng/iOSPlot: Chart library for iOS
GitHub - HomemadeToast57/repofinder: APT repository app for jailbroken iOS devices#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - HomemadeToast57/repofinder: APT repository app for jailbroken iOS devices
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GitHub - pixelbubble/ProtOSINT: ProtOSINT is a Python script that helps you investigate Protonmail accounts and ProtonVPN IP addresses#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - pixelbubble/ProtOSINT: ProtOSINT is a Python script that helps you investigate Protonmail accounts and ProtonVPN IP addresses
GitHub - Homebrew/brew: The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - Homebrew/brew: The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
GitHub - holzschu/a-Shell-commands: shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - holzschu/a-Shell-commands: shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell
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GitHub - hold-baby/bookmark-file-parser: Parse Firefox/Chrome/IE/Safari HTML bookmarks files#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - hold-baby/bookmark-file-parser: Parse Firefox/Chrome/IE/Safari HTML bookmarks files
GitHub - hilja/file-batcher: Bulk edit Front Matter Markdown files with ease#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - hilja/file-batcher: Bulk edit Front Matter Markdown files with ease
GitHub wordpressmobileWordPressiOS WordPress for iOS Official repositoryWordPress for iOS Official repository Contribute to wordpressmobileWordPressiOS development by creating an account on GitHub#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub wordpressmobileWordPressiOS WordPress for iOS Official repository
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GitHub - piotrmurach/tty-markdown-cli: CLI tool for displaying nicely formatted Markdown documents in the terminal#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - piotrmurach/tty-markdown-cli: CLI tool for displaying nicely formatted Markdown documents in the terminal
GitHub - hikerpig/foam-template-gatsby-kb: A Foam/Obsidian template using gatsby-theme-kb for publishing your knowledge base#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - hikerpig/foam-template-gatsby-kb: A Foam/Obsidian template using gatsby-theme-kb for publishing your knowledge base
GitHub - hernanjkd/Resume-Builder: React. Creates a dynamic resume that can be easily modified. Experience and skill cards can be edited.#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - hernanjkd/Resume-Builder: React. Creates a dynamic resume that can be easily modified. Experience and skill cards can be edited.
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GitHub - heliomass/iOSShortcuts: A collection of shortcuts for the Shortcuts app.#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - heliomass/iOSShortcuts: A collection of shortcuts for the Shortcuts app.
GitHub - hedgedoc/hedgedoc: HedgeDoc - The best platform to write and share markdown.#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - hedgedoc/hedgedoc: HedgeDoc - The best platform to write and share markdown.
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GitHub - heartly/awesome-writing-tools: A curated list of awesome tools for improving written communication#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - heartly/awesome-writing-tools: A curated list of awesome tools for improving written communication
GitHub - Heapy/vipassana: Life and collaboration assistant.#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - Heapy/vipassana: Life and collaboration assistant.
GitHub - phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo: phpSysInfo: a customizable PHP script that displays information about your system nicely#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo: phpSysInfo: a customizable PHP script that displays information about your system nicely
GitHub - HaveAGitGat/Tdarr: Tdarr - Distributed transcode automation using FFmpeg/HandBrake + Audio/Video library analytics + video health checking (Windows, macOS, Linux & Docker)#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - HaveAGitGat/Tdarr: Tdarr - Distributed transcode automation using FFmpeg/HandBrake + Audio/Video library analytics + video health checking (Windows, macOS, Linux & Docker)
GitHub - harrytran103/awesome-linux-apps: A list of awesome applications for Linux distributions.#dev#github stars··Nov 1, 2022GitHub - harrytran103/awesome-linux-apps: A list of awesome applications for Linux distributions.
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