GitHub - casualsnek/onthespot: qt based music downloader written in python
GitHub - colbyfayock/md-to-wp: Upload a directory of markdown files to WordPress
GitHub - nico-castell/PopOS-Setup: A script to set up Pop!_OS in the best way possible
GitHub - codewithsadee/vcard-personal-portfolio: vCard is a fully responsive personal portfolio website, responsive for all devices.
GitHub - Tam-Lin/MacJournaltoDayOne---Python: A MacJournal - Day One importer, written in Python
GitHub - CodeEditApp/CodeEdit: CodeEdit App for macOS Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
GitHub - NicholasMamo/multiplex-plot: Multiplex: visualizations that tell storiesA Python library to create and annotate beautiful network graph visualizations, text visualizations and more.
GitHub - codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x: Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
GitHub Z4nzuhackingtool ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers Contribute to Z4nzuhackingtool development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub - cocktail-forensics/macCocktail: Parses forensic artifacts from macOS file systems
GitHub - ngudbhav/lazyType: A Software to create aliases for commands, applications to type in cmd, terminal.
GitHub - ClementTsang/bottom: Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
GitHub - tabler/tabler: Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
GitHub - Ciphey/Ciphey: Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes
GitHub - nextcloud/spreed: Nextcloud Talk chat, video & audio calls for Nextcloud
GitHub - ciconia/awesome-music: Awesome Music Projects
GitHub - iRaul/creative-portfolios: A curated list of Creative Portfolios
GitHub - chronicle-app/chronicle-etl: A CLI toolkit for extracting and working with your digital history
GitHub - nextcloud/serverinfo: A monitoring app which creates a server info dashboard for admins
GitHub - rahul-jha98/github-stats-transparent: Automatically generate summary GitHub statistics images for your profile using Actions, no server required
GitHub - internetarchive/heritrix3: Heritrix is the Internet Archive's open-source, extensible, web-scale, archival-quality web crawler project.
GitHub - caronchen/obsidian-chartsview-plugin: Data visualization solution in Obsidian, support plots and graphs.
GitHub - intentkit/IntentKit: An easier way to handle third-party URL schemes in iOS apps.
GitHub - tussanakorn/spotify-dashboard-with-tableau: Spotify Dataset with Tableau
GitHub - RafaelGB/obsidian-db-folder: Obsidian Plugin to Allow Notion like database based on folders
GitHub - inspurer/ChromeBookmarkVisual: a visaul project for chrome browser bookmark; which can make access to muti-depth bookmark more easily.
GitHub - insidegui/VirtualBuddy: Virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon
GitHub - radam9/bookmarks-converter: Parse db/html/json bookmarks file from (Chrome - Firefox - Custom source) and convert it to db/html/json format.
GitHub - InQuest/awesome-yara: A curated list of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people.
GitHub - imfunniee/gitfolio: personal website + blog for every github user