GitHub - osmoscraft/osmosmemo: Turn GitHub into a bookmark manager
GitHub - FlyingWolFox/Netscape-Bookmarks-File-Parser: Parser and creator for Netscape Bookmarks file format that is used when exporting bookmarks from browsers
GitHub - Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher: Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins
GitHub - orsinium-labs/awesome-generator: Generate awesome list over Github API
GitHub - FlorianWoelki/obsidian-icon-folder: Simply add icons to your folders or files in Obsidian.
GitHub - floalt/Nextcloud-OCC-Scripts: various OCC Scripts fur Nextcloud
GitHub - szymboro/weboasis: Fork of
GitHub - OrkoHunter/keep: A Meta CLI toolkit : Personal shell command keeper and snippets manager
GitHub - FiloSottile/mkcert: A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
GitHub - FHachez/obsidian-convert-url-to-iframe: Plugin for to convert a selected URL to an iframe.
SiYuan Roadmap siyuan-note
GitHub - fezcode/bm: Bookmark Manager
GitHub - feoh/DayMinusOne: A utility to convert the DayOne journal JSON format to Markdown (suitable for import into Joplin and elsewhere)
GitHub webiaioawesomemarkdown awesome markdown writing tools
awesome markdown writing tools Contribute to webiaioawesomemarkdown development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub - syseleven/nextcloud-tools: This project contains tools to operate Nextcloud.
GitHub - orglce/instagram-chat-analyzer: Analyzes files from Intagram and Signal direct messaging backup files
GitHub - feluelle/auto-markdown-badges: Auto-generated markdown badges.
GitHub - fastogt/fastocloud: FastoCloud Media Service
GitHub - openXapps/web-apps-bookmarker-mui: Updated bookmarker app rebuilt in MUI framework
GitHub - faroukx/obsidian-homepage: Obsidian homepage - Minimal and aesthetic template (with my unique features)
GitHub - fankijo/ncocc: Runs Nextclouds occ commands without the need to type "sudo -u www-data........"
GitHub - symkat/MarkdownSite: Create a website from a git repository in one click
GitHub - OpenRefine/OpenRefine: OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it
GitHub - Fadexz/iOS-Tweaks-Repo: Fadexz's Repo for iOS Tweak Development
GitHub - facebook/create-react-app: Set up a modern web app by running one command.
GitHub - openai/whisper: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
GitHub - ezrahill/FBExport_DayOne: Facebook Data Export to DayOne
GitHub - ExpertAnonymous/PhoneInfoga: PhoneInfoga is one of the most advanced tools to scan phone numbers using only free resources.
GitHub WebCrateAppwebcrate Organize your web with WebCrate a modern and beautiful bookmarking tool
Organize your web with WebCrate a modern and beautiful bookmarking tool WebCrateAppwebcrate
GitHub - SyedAbuTalib/Github-Stars: Saves time by listing all starred repos in one page