GitHub - onlyhavecans/tootlogger: Command-line tool to archive your Mastodon toots to DayOne
GitHub - exentrich/free-for-dev: A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
GitHub - evilpenguin/SSLBypass: iOS SSL Pinning Bypass (iOS 8 - 14)
GitHub - onivim/oni: Oni: Modern Modal Editing - powered by Neovim
GitHub - eviabs/downtify-premium: Downtify is an open source Spofity downloader which makes it possible to download all your favourite songs and/or playlists directly from spotify. A Spotify Premium account is required.
GitHub - EvanLi/Github-Ranking: Github Ranking Github stars and forks ranking list. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Automatically update daily. | Github
GitHub - syahravi/syahravi-timeline: syahravi timeline - a timeline of important events in my life.
GitHub - oniatsu/Google-Photos-desktop-viewer-app: Google Photos desktop viewer app for macOS and Windows
GitHub - eugustavo/github-badges: Application made to create badges for your readme
GitHub - Eugeny/tabby: A terminal for a more modern age
GitHub - omz/AppSales-Mobile: App Sales allows iPhone and Mac App Store developers to download and analyze their daily and weekly sales reports from iTunes Connect.
GitHub - etsy/MIDAS: Mac Intrusion Detection Analysis System
GitHub - Essux/Quantified-Self-Visualizations: Compilation of visualizations of data from daily life
GitHub - WebCrateApp/browser-extension: Add links to WebCrate via a browser extension
GitHub - swl-x/MystiQ: Qt5/C++ FFmpeg Media Converter
GitHub - OmkarPathak/ResumeParser: A simple resume parser used for extracting information from resumes
GitHub - Essux/Quantified-Self-Reports: Personal activity reports that go directly to your inbox.
GitHub - EshanTrivedi21/Git-CheatSheet: Your all in one Git, Github and Terminal Cheatsheet!
GitHub - Olwiba/Kickass-markdown: A collection of Github markdown tricks for writing kickass READMEs, Pull Requests & Comments.
GitHub - erwinkramer/SoundCloud-Playlist-Sync: Improvement fork
GitHub - erusev/parsedown: Better Markdown Parser in PHP
GitHub - Swivro/weboasis-continued: An attempt to recreate and continue the now defunct Weboasis (was accessible via, but is now down). RIP Webby 1992-2022.
GitHub - OlivierLaflamme/Cheatsheet-God: Penetration Testing Reference Bank - OSCP / PTP & PTX Cheatsheet
GitHub - eramdam/starry-raindrop: Sync GitHub starred repos to a collection
GitHub - Envoy-VC/awesome-badges: A curated list of GitHub badges for your next project
GitHub - ohhsodead/FileMasta: A search application to explore, discover and share online files
GitHub - enaqx/awesome-react: A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem
GitHub - emarkou/Audio-auto-tagging: Convolutional Neural Network for auto-tagging of audio clips on MagnaTagATune dataset
GitHub WebBreacheryoga Your OSINT Graphical Analyzer
Your OSINT Graphical Analyzer Contribute to WebBreacheryoga development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub - sushil79g/Facebook-message-to-CSV-exporter: This script helps in producing the chat dataset(in csv format) of your facebook chat