GitHub - soruly/awesome-acg: A curated list of awesome technologies related to Anime, Comic and Games
A curated list of awesome technologies related to Anime, Comic and Games - GitHub - soruly/awesome-acg: A curated list of awesome technologies related to Anime, Comic and Games
:chart_with_upwards_trend: A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries and resources. - GitHub - javierluraschi/awesome-dataviz: A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries a...
A compilation of links to datajournalism & OSINT tools, guides and resources I find useful to keep at hand. - datajournalism-resources/ at master r3mlab/datajournalism-resources
A cross-platform suite of tools for building and deploying software for iOS and other platforms. - GitHub - theos/theos: A cross-platform suite of tools for building and deploying software for iOS ...
The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any iOS application. - GitHub - segmentio/analytics-ios: The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any iOS application.
Gathering code and links to projects specially developed for Pythonista for iOS. - GitHub - Pythonista-Tools/Pythonista-Tools: Gathering code and links to projects specially developed for Pythonist...
Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by! - GitHub - huginn/huginn: Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!